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While I was with Greg in the living room and the kids were in their rooms writing their homework, I received a phone call from one of the spies. I lied to Greg who didn't doubt me, and I went out as first explained to the children.

One of the spies had managed to find a location where Morgan might be. I left the children with Roland after they liked him very much, and Lana and I set off for the headquarters from where we made our way to the destination.

The police hadn't arrived yet, and that was great. I went inside the building holding my faithful pistol ready to fire when needed, but there was no one there. The only people here were the corpses of Christian and Fourteen. The place where I assumed Morgan was sitting had only traces of his blood and ropes.

- Elena, look at this. - Lana screamed looking at something on the nearby table and I approached - Do you see the marked place on the map? This is a laboratory.

- What will they want from this lab? - I thought, looking at the name of the laboratory.

- I have no idea, but whatever they're looking for, will have something to do with it. - Lana explained, waving her hand around - I have a bad feeling about all this.

- Me too. - I sighed, but I shrugged trying to be strong - There must be some clue here showing us where my husband is.

I and the spies got back to headquarters in Newfield, and we got to work to solve what Alejandro wanted from the laboratory. The problem was there were so many technological devices that they could use and none of us had any idea what they would use. I sent five of my trustworthy spies undercover there and I went into the home in Orleans.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Charlie, Elijah, and Liam ran to me and didn't miss the opportunity to ask if we had found Morgan. The moment they heard the sad news, their happy smiles were replaced by sad eyes and pouty faces. I did everything I could to reassure them, but they wanted their father as much as I wanted him.


Roland rubbed his temple while looking at all the inventories that the laboratory had created. Something was telling him everyone had been missing small details. Lana walked into the room holding two mugs of coffee and leaned on the desk keeping her distance from the man.

- This is for you. Elena told me to check on you. – Lana said giving him the mug.

- At least someone cares about me. – Roland rolled his eyes took the mug and leaned on the chair.

- What is this supposed to mean? – Lana asked completely confused.

- You know my story. My mother died at my birth because of some complications. My father Ryan was trying to give me the best life, but he was constantly thinking about Morgan trying to find the best time to kill him. – Roland explained looking at the coffee – Sometimes he was gone for days and weeks. The only friend I had was a small teddy bear. When he was home, he didn't stop talking about his second brother and how he destroyed his life.

- Why do you tell me this? – Lana asked once again looking at the man with sympathy.

- Because I was raised to think that the Curse family is dangerous, and I was taught at a young age to take what I want with manipulations and lies. – Roland answered and looked at the woman – I never wanted to hurt you or break even the smallest trust you have in me, but I was blind back then and someone took advantage of this. I needed three years in a cell to realise I was a bastard to you. Can you forgive me?

Lana clenched her jaw staring at the man trying to find even the smallest thing that would show he lies, but in his eyes, there was the only truth. The woman looked at her mug thinking about that. Even if her heart wanted her to forgive him, her mind didn't want. She sighed and looked back at the eyes staring at her with childish hopeful eyes.

- One day I could, but for now, I can't. – Lana answered and was about to leave when Roland grabbed her hand saying:

- Wait, can you help me with the research? – he smiled shyly – I also need someone to talk to. I hate the silence.

Lana finally smiled happy that was caused by Roland and nodded her head. She took the closer chair and sat next to Roland who couldn't stop grinning like a small child.

- Stop smiling like that and get to work. – Lana laughed pointing at the documents.

- Yes, sir. – Roland mocked her slightly, but the woman just laughed once again.


The room was filled with Charlie's small laugh. She was sitting in my lap, and I was reading to her imitating each character in the book with a different voice. My little girl was happy and even asked me for a few words about what they meant.

Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan sat on barbarians or the ground doing their homework. If there were any questions, they jumped up and asked me. Emma and Emily were tasked with drawing their family, so they painted on the coffee table and laughed. They even quarrelled several times because they had scratched the picture of each other. Elijah was lying next to me on the couch, his head propped up at my feet, and he seemed to be falling asleep from my reading. He was the calmest of them all now, but I knew it was because of his little sister. Liam was playing with his cars and action figures near my feet. He mostly didn't want anything, but when he asked for water, he grabbed my jeans and pulled them lightly until I paid attention to him. Bella and Bailey lay on their beds by the stairs, tired from running around the yard.

It was a family idyll, but I felt empty. Suddenly Roland and Lana burst into the living room panting.

- We have good news. - Lana said with a big smile.

- What? - I asked confused.

- I understand what they're thinking of stealing. - said Roland and showed me a drawing of a machine - This is a machine that can connect the minds of people in an indestructible relationship allowing one to be controlled and the other to control the other.

- They want to do this to Morgan. - I realized, and Roland and Lana nodded sadly – We have to stop them immediately and destroy the machine now.

I called one of the spies in my mansion to watch the kids because I didn't have the time to search for a babysitter and went to the famous laboratory where the machine was. Entering the laboratory one of the scientists welcomed us confused and we explained to them what had happened. He of course understood perfectly and was willing to help us immediately.

However, the moment we entered the room where the machine was, the doctor immediately got suspicious. He checked everything and I was left without words. The machine that was here, was not real. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to control my panic attack and rage. I couldn't believe we had missed it.

The spies who were here didn't even know what happened and reassured me that the whole time they were here. They were checking every person who was entering the room. 

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