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Once I was sure the lunch was ready, I went to see my kids. All of them were searching for the toys. They found Emma's toy, but they still weren't able to find Emily's. However, Emma didn't want to tell where it was, and Emily was getting upset while Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Charlie, Elijah, and Liam were trying to find it. I spotted it and gave it to the girl, who rushed to put it on her bed.

The kids ran downstairs, and I checked on Morgan. He was in the guest room downstairs still making his rehabilitation while laughing at the doctor's joke.

- I am serious. – the doctor shook her head stopping with the warm-up of his legs and smiled towards me – Hello, Mrs Curse.

- Hello. How is the rehabilitation going? – I asked walking closer.

- I am still paralyzed. – Morgan frowned gloomily and looked back at his legs.

- You will get better. – I tried to be optimistic and grabbed his hand making him look at me – Do you want to have lunch now? – Morgan nodded and I looked at the doctor – Thank you for coming.

- No problem. – the doctor smiled and walked away.

I sent her to the door, and she left. Morgan appeared beside me, walking with his cane, and hugged me over the shoulder, kissing my cheek. I smiled and took his hand as he led him to the kitchen. The children greeted us with big smiles, and we all sat at the table to eat.

- Are you still going to that mission later? – Jacob wondered.

- Yes. She is very important, and I can't miss her. – I answered.

- With mom Lana, right? – Hannah questioned with a small smile, and I nodded.

- Would we be able to see Aunt Lana after that? – Jason asked smiling – She always has these amazing stories.

- We will see. – Morgan chuckled slightly – But while mom is on a mission, you will have to behave.

- We always behave. – Gabriel grinned, but we all stared at him making him grumble – Most of the time.

- We promise to behave. – Emily smiled sweetly.

- I am sorry, sis. – Emma cried out suddenly as her anger had already disappeared.

Her twin smiled and hugged her making the other girl giggle hugging her back. Elijah and Liam just ate quietly from their food and were just observing, but then I heard Charlie asking shyly:

- Can we watch a movie while mom is on a mission?

All her siblings nodded and confirmed with a big "Yes" making my shy girl smile happily. I looked at Morgan, but he was smiling happily too.

After spending some time with them I got in the car and drove. Soon I was in front of the bar where the deal would be. Lana was already in front of it yawning from boredom. I parked the car, and I exited her. Lana frowned towards my car as I could see that the scar on her eyebrow wrinkled slightly.

- What? Is there something wrong with my car? – I asked confused.

- Yeah, it is more expensive than the apartment where I live. - Lana muttered and screamed in surprise - How did you even get her?

- Morgan wanted to surprise me for Christmas with my car. After all, he has two of his ones and it was logical for me to have one. - I explained.

- So, you have four cars — three personal and one family? - Lana questioned, and I nodded, crossing my arms – And a motorbike? Am I missing something?

- Technically, the bike is not used, but you're right. - I nodded and pointed to the bar with one hand - Are we going in?

Lana nodded and I got inside with her, following me. I looked around for our target and noticed him eating and drinking at a table. I pointed it at the woman next to me, and she grinned, saying:

- If I can get him to come with me, you'll give me $50.

- If you can do it in 5 minutes, I'll give them to you. If not, you give it to me. - I negotiated with her.

- We have a deal. - Lana grinned and walked over to the man as I turned on the timer.

Exactly 3 minutes and 23 seconds later she came with the man, and I officially lost money.

We managed to get the man to come with us to a dead end, and from there, while Lana was fooling him with some nonsense, I injected him with a sleeping pill. I tied the man with ropes putting him in the back of my car. I closed the door and I saw Lana looking at his backpack scared.

- What is it? - I asked walking closer to her.

- The man was about to sell except the top-secret document, but also Roland's control serum. - Lana answered and I looked at the box where the vitals were.

I opened it and I saw the same jars filled with yellow liquid as I remember them. However, three vials were missing. I looked scared at Lana.

- Morgan. - I said pressing my spy earpiece - We have a problem.

- What? - he asked confused.

- Do you remember Roland's serum he used to control Lana? - I asked and Morgan sighed - Well our target tried to sell it and succeeded. Three vials of the yellow liquid are missing.

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