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I was standing behind a tree watching the crime scene in front of me. Several men decided to have fun at the local bar but became aggressive without restraint and it all turned into murder. Morgan stood beside me, leaning on his cane, looking in the same direction.

- Do you think this is the work of our villain? - I asked confused.

- Definitely. - Morgan nodded, keeping his eyes on the bar.

Lana and Roland came to us. Their mission was to get closer and understand the real story.

- According to the detective, they were intoxicated and there was an argument between two people from the group. This led to a fight throughout the bar. - Lana explained.

- Any evidence that we're dealing with Alejandro? - Morgan asked.

- Yes, this inhaler. - Roland said, pulling it out - But that isn't everything.

He pulled out a small certificate showing a man named Terry Franklin, who graduated from school in Newfield. Morgan frowned, recognizing something, and I pushed him lightly:

- What's wrong?

- This is my school. - he looked at me - And I know exactly who the man is. We were on the football team together before I graduated.

- Everyone has such diplomas. - Roland spoke and showed the other five diplomas - Apparently, Alejandro's and his boss' next goal is for all the people who graduated from that school.

- I know where we're going. - Lana said, and we all looked at her - Newfield, we're coming.

We got back to the mansion where Rebecca and Taylor were watching TV while Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Charlie, Elijah, Liam, and Ruby played with Bella and Bailey in the living room. We told Rebecca and Taylor everything and they agreed to watch the kids while we were on a mission. However, the kids heard our conversation and disagreed as they wanted to come with us.

I didn't want my kids to come, but after each of them showed their best puppy eyes, I couldn't resist anymore.

My children said goodbye to Taylor, Rebecca, and Ruby, and with our help, they were able to pack. Two hours later we were all in the car and travelling. Morgan was driving and doing great. Don't ask me how he did. It was a mystery to me too.

Roland was next to him, listening to music playing on his phone. At least from time to time he looked at the road conditions. I was sitting behind my husband with Charlie and Liam next to me. Emma, ​​Emily, and Elijah were behind me, and Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan were in the penultimate row.

In the back row sat Jacob, Jason, and Lana, and in the trunk, along with our suitcases, were Bella and Bailey. The trip wasn't bad. The kids were calm and spent the first two hours of our trip sleeping.

After spending the trip to Newfield with three breaks, we finally arrived. During our trip, one of our spies Raza Murad succeeded in buying an apartment suite. Entering inside I realized it was a two-floor apartment with four bedrooms with a shower attached, one bathroom with a sauna, two toilets on each floor, one massive living room and kitchen and a big dining room with a table that can accommodate fourteen people. However, there was immediately a problem. The closest to each other two rooms were having five beds which meant that the kids would be separated. That meant that Roland and Lana had to sleep together. While Roland was quiet and smirking, Lana wasn't happy at all and was protesting. Finally, we all had rooms. Even our dogs Bella and Bailey had a room. They would be sleeping in the living room on one blanket, and they liked it. Once Morgan and I got a rest from the whole driving, we started dressing. Morgan's school was organizing a ballroom for all person graduated from the school.

Once Morgan and I were ready we started getting the kids dressed. While Morgan was making sure Jacob, Jason, Gabriel, Dylan, Elijah, and Liam were ready, I was helping Hannah, Emma, Emily, and Charlie. The kids were ready, and I let them play a little in the living room.

- What should I wear? - Lana asked entering my room.

I was just brushing my hair and I looked in the mirror. I sighed knowing she wouldn't like the plan.

- You and Roland would stay here and be our eyes and ears. - I explained and she frowned - You can't enter. Only people who graduated from school can enter and we have to look like normal people.

- Then why do you take the kids? - Lana wondered.

- To look like a family. Plus, everyone knows Morgan and I are businesspeople and would get suspicious if our kids didn't come to the school or see where his father was studying. - I explained.

Lana nodded and helped me with the hair. The moment I was ready, I walked downstairs. Morgan opened his mouth in shock staring at me with loving sparks dancing in his eyes. Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, Dylan, Emma, Emily, Charlie, Elijah and Liam on the other hand cheer me and mention that I am beautiful. I wore a nice red dress that accentuated my body perfectly. She was short, almost to my knees, and I had black high-heeled shoes. Morgan wore a white shirt and a red jacket top with blue pants and beige shoes. He was leaning on his cane and looking like an aristocrat of the past.

- My eyes are here. - I smiled the moment I was in front of him.

He shook his head trying to regain control and smiled lovely:

- You are beautiful. And I can easily declare that you are the most gorgeous woman on this planet or even in the universe.

- Thank you. - I smiled shyly and glanced at my kids.

Jacob and Jason were wearing identical white shirts but had different pants coloured navy blue and red just like my dress. Hannah was wearing a beautiful white dress which fit perfectly on her. Gabriel was wearing a red shirt with black pants and on his face, I could spot his mischievous smirk that meant he had created a prank and would make it a reality. Dylan was wearing a blue shirt with dark blue pants. Emma and Emily were wearing identical red dresses which were small versions of mine. Charlie despite her unwillingness was dressed in a beautiful blue dress. Elijah was wearing a white shirt and blue pants. Liam was wearing a white shirt with red pants.

All of them were wearing a combination of Morgan's and my colours. We looked like rich snobs with many kids and money.

- Remember no pranks. - I reminded my kids who only nodded.

- If there is something you will tell us on the spy sets in our ear. - Morgan replied.

- Don't worry, Uncle. - Roland said almost mockingly - Lana is here to control me.

- I will do it. – Lana mentioned with a serious look causing Roland to smile even more.

Raza appeared wearing a typical bodyguard suit and sunglasses on his face. He made a gesture towards the limousine and said opening the door:

- The drinks and sweets you demanded are all already here.

- Don't act like that. You look like a fool. – Morgan answered entering inside making Raza laugh.

I just rolled my eyes and helped all my kids to get inside. Once everyone was ready, Raza closed the door and drove to our destination.

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