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Morgan and I were lying down on the bed naked only covered with blankets. He was rubbing my back drawing small circles while I was rubbing his chest.

- I am sorry, Elena. - Morgan spoke and I glanced at him- I apologize that I have been lying to you.

- Don't feel bad. At least we are together. - I reassured him.

- But you didn't forgive me, did you? - Morgan asked and I leaned on my elbow staring at him - What?

- If I didn't forgive you, why do you think we had sex? - I frowned a little.

- I wanted to be sure. Sorry. - Morgan sighed looking away from me.

I pecked his lip gaining his attention once again and I kissed him properly. After a few minutes I separated to take a breath and I looked at my watch. It was 3 a.m. and with Morgan, we still didn't have dinner.

We got dressed in simple clothes and we went into the small kitchen. Through one of the doors, I could see Lana sleeping holding a baseball bat while Roland was sleeping on the sofa in the living room further away from the girl.

With Morgan, we went into the kitchen trying to be quiet and made ourselves sandwiches. We sat in the high chairs and started eating talking about small things.

- What we will do now? – I asked looking at my husband.

- I don't know if I had to be honest. We couldn't understand who the man was. I was busy watching you dance with that man while Roland was worried about other things. - Morgan replied.

- Are you accusing me of not finding him? - I was shocked.

- I do not blame you. I'm just saying we were both worried about you and Lana and we were distracted. - Morgan corrected himself immediately and took my hands - I didn't want it to sound so bad.

- Okay, sorry I overreact like that. And I apologize for kicking you out of our home. I was just angry at you, and I didn't think about that. – I answered rubbing his knuckles as he was looking at them – Morgan, can you promise me something?

My husband glanced at me with my favourite blue-green eyes and nodded making me continue. I took a deep breath and continued:

- Promise me that you won't lie or hide anything from me.

- I promise, but this goes the same for you. – Morgan answered with a small smile.

I nodded and his smile got even bigger. He kissed me and we would have made a full make-out, but someone didn't cough behind us. With Morgan, we stopped and turned to the door where Lana and Roland were staying, both having a smirk on their faces.

- How much did you hear? – I asked confused with a frown.

- Enough to say this. – Lana said and slapped Roland's neck making him groan and rub it – You owe me $50. Pay.

Roland took the money and gave it to the girl who started dancing happily. I looked at Morgan, but he was as confused as me.

- I don't even want to know. – Morgan sighed and stood up taking my arm – Bye. Go to bed.

- You aren't my mom. – Roland yelled, but the moment my husband gave him an angry look he sighed – Okay, but I am driving tomorrow.

- Oh, no. YOU WILL KILL ME. – Lana refused the idea.

I pulled Morgan trying to ignore their yelling. These two are so annoying and it has been a few hours.

I fell asleep hugging my husband with my hand on his chest while he had his hands wrapped around my waist holding me tight. The rest of the night we spent sleeping and there was no waking up even if I was sure Roland and Lana were yelling at each other almost one hour after we got to our room.

In the morning I woke up and after one quiet breakfast, four of us were in the car driving to the potential place where the next dealer of the serum would be.


Emma was walking through the corridor with a big frown and was looking around. Ruby was missing and the girl was becoming even more anxious. Emily, Charlie, Elijah and Liam met the girl and stopped her.

- Hey, what's going on? – Emily asked her twin.

- I can't find Ruby. – Emma shook her head.

- Where did you see her the last time? – Elijah asked confused ready to help her sister.

- She went to her parents but didn't come. – the girl answered at the same moment when Jacob, Jason, Hannah, Gabriel, and Dylan appeared.

- What's going on? Are you okay? – Hannah asked seeing the depressed look of her sister.

- She can't find Ruby. – Liam answered.

The Curse siblings nodded and ran through the school searching for the small kid. Finally, Charlie found the girl in the bath crying.

- Ruby. – Charlie got the girl's attention – What are you doing here?

- I...I...was hurt. – Ruby cried glancing at her hand where a bruise was forming.

Charlie frowned in confusion and using her bracelet, she called everyone in the bathroom. Seeing her favourite person broken, Emma immediately hugged her girl.

- Who would do something like that? – Jacob frowned crossing his arms.

- I have a feeling I know who is. – Gabriel sighed – Landon Price.

- I will kill that boy. – Jason almost yelled.

- What now? – Dylan asked.

- What do we know the best? – Emily asked smirking and all her siblings matched her smile.

Ruby looked at the siblings and knew that they would protect her no matter what. She didn't feel guilty for the boy and even said:

- I will help you with the plan.


I looked out the window and sighed wearily, leaning forward. I wrapped my arms around Morgan's shoulders and rested my head on the seat. He immediately looked at me and kissed my nose.

- This is very boring. - Lana sighed and leaned forward without touching Roland in any way - Are they here at all?

- Yes. A party will start at any moment and we have to wait for everything to start to enter. - Roland replied.

- How are you sure this is the place? - I asked.

- Using a secret name, I was able to contact one dealer just in case. Roland's dealer has exposed us and we can't use it. However, mine doesn't know anything yet and we can get what we need. - Morgan explained, looking at Lana and me - You two won't interfere this time.

- What? Why? - Lana shouted - You are lost without us.

- No, we are not. - Roland rolled his eyes.

- Please don't interfere. We will handle it and if there is any problem we will call you. - Morgan asked us, stopping Lana from arguing with Roland.

- Alright. Go and do work. We will wait here. - I agreed.

Morgan smiled and kissed my lips before getting out of the car. Roland followed, and Lana frowned, even more, crossing her arms just like a small child. I looked at her, rolled my eyes, and left, signalling for her to follow me. I wouldn't listen to Morgan. If he fails, we should have a backup plan, and I already had one.

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