Chyler was happily hosting a tea party with her stuffies when Y/N made an appearance in the living room. "Hello, my little love. Are you busy?", Y/N asked softly as she sat down with Chyler on the floor.
"Hi Mama. I not beesy. You wan' a cuppa tea?", Chyler greeted and asked softly while getting ready a toy cup and plate for Y/N.
"Oh, I would love one, baby. Thank you", Y/N decided to play along her baby's game and happily received the toy cup before taking a sip of the imaginary drink.
"Ssss, too hot", Y/N said as she pretended to hiss at the hotness of the pretend tea, making her baby giggle.
"Silly Mama", Chyler said quietly before going back to making her stuffies drink the tea and talk amongst themselves. That's when Y/N put down her cup and took a deep breath before speaking up.
"Hey baby, do you remember where we went earlier this week?", Y/N inquired softly, causing her little one to hum in thought.
"Yeah! We goes to Doctow Reese's office. She gives me lol'pop", Chyler replied, remembering the amazing treat the doctor had given her after staying still during her checkup.
"That's right. Doctor Reese did give you a lollipop. But, while Doctor Reese checked you up, she mentioned we should work on improving your speech", Y/N explained to Chyler, who looked back at her Mama confused.
"Bu' I no 'peech. Dats a fru't. I a baby", Chyler told her Mama very confused about her words.
"That's peach, baby. And you're right, that is a fruit. I said speech, with an s. That means the way you speak, how you say words when you talk", Y/N explained a little further, making Chyler nod in understanding.
"Otay. Wha' I do den?", Chyler questioned curiously before Y/N reached for a small box under the coffee table in the middle of the room.
"It's nothing very complicated. Mama is just going to show you some cards with things on them, and you're going to tell me what they are. If you pronounce them wrong, I'll show you how to say them correctly. Is that okay?", Y/N asked hopeful that this activity wouldn't upset her baby, but rather, motivate her to improve her speech and expand her vocabulary during littlespace.
"Yeah Mama, it otay", Chyler affirmed with a grin.
"Alright so, we're going to start with something simple, colors. You know your colors, right?"
"I do. I knows all da colows of da wainbow", Chyler answered very proudly, making Y/N chuckle softly at her little one.
"Okay then, what color is this one?"
"Dats easy. Dats boo", Chyler said confidently while pointing at the blue triangle on the card.
"That's right, it is blue. But try to pronounce it, baby. Blue...b...lue", Y/N said while trying to sound out the word.
"Close enough", Y/N said before moving on to the next card. "What about this one?"
"Red, baby. Red. Rrrr...ed"
"Red. Try putting your tongue against the roof of your mouth. Don't say it from your throat. Let your tongue relax and say it. Red", Y/N explained as she showed her baby how to pronounce her R's.

Actors Age Regression One-Shots
General FictionAge Regression Stories SFW & Non-Sexual Age Regression ⚠️Warning: Major fluff, Use of diapers, pacifiers and bottles, Breastfeeding, Bed Wetting, Angst, Anxiety⚠️ Mama Y/N and Little Actor/Actress Multiple one-shots with stories about actors and act...