Lots and Lots - Ryan Gosling

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Y/N was peacefully sleeping in, when suddenly, someone pulled the covers off her, leaving her just in her underwear, shaking terribly at the sudden temperature change.

"Ugh, why?! It's the weekend", Y/N whined out loud, curling into a ball to keep herself warm. She didn't get a response, so she just moved to lay down flat on her back while sloppily searching for the sheets with her toes.

As she attempted to restore the comfortable state she was in, shuffling around her caused her to pause in her tracks. She first wondered, who had pulled the sheets off from her? And secondly, what were they doing that had to be so loud?

Just when she was about to unwillingly open her eyes and fully wake up, she felt how the bottom of the bed dipped before someone crawled over it and a body attached to her side.

"Mmm, comfy Mama", Y/N heard her baby say before she realized who had been responsible for her abrupt awakening.

"Good morning, Ryry. How come you came to Mama's room...", Y/N greeted her baby before opening one of her eyes to see what time it actually was. The clock in her nightstand read 7 AM. "...this early, on a Saturday? Normally, I'm the one who has to bribe you out of bed with some milkies", Y/N continued as she properly wrapped her arms around Ryan's body, pulling him even closer to her.

"Me wan'ed to fewl Mama close. I miss'd yous", Ryan mumbled easily while nuzzling further into Y/N's neck.

"Aw, Bubs. That's really sweet, but we saw each other last night. It's only been a couple of hours. I put you to bed, remember?", Y/N reminded her baby while she softly stroked his hair.

"'Till, me miss'd yous", Ryan said to Y/N while shrugging his shoulders and cuddling his Mama as close as he could. Y/N let out a soft chuckle thanks to her baby's words and hugged him tightly before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead. That's also when she realized Ryan was naked. Well, he was only in his diaper.

"Where are your clothes, buddy?", Y/N asked confused as she softly rubbed his back up and down. She clearly remembered putting some jammies on him besides diapering his bum after bath time the night before.

"I tooks dem off so me cou'd fewl Mama's 'kin. Tis weally soft an' wa'm", Ryan explained, and Y/N just hummed in response. Ever since Ryan started to regress into a younger headspace, shifting from a toddler age to practically going down to a newborn, Y/N had really enjoyed all the new things that came with this new side of Ryan.

For starters, he really enjoyed breastfeeding. He wasn't so comfortable about wanting to breastfeed at first, and even thought that Y/N would feel weird about his desires, but Y/N was beyond happy to nurse her baby boy. The closeness of the act was a feeling Y/N could never describe, but it was just perfect, and after much reassurance, both the caregiver and little were happy with breastfeeding being something they both enjoyed so much.

Also, Ryan really liked skin-to-skin contact. No, let me rephrase that. He loved skin-to-skin contact. It was even better than his Mama's milkies or getting to go to the park and play with his little friends. The fact that he could be so close to her, almost becoming a part of her, while he listened to the strong and soothing heartbeat that let him know his Mama was there with him, it made the experience a total delight.

As they continued to enjoy the sweet embrace they were in, Y/N felt Ryan moving on top of her and trying to find warmth due to his almost naked self. Even though her baby's embrace was keeping her at a regular temperature, she too was freezing.

Y/N tried to reach for the sheets again, but her exaggerated movements caused Ryan to whine and hug her tighter so she couldn't move.

"Mama, don' go. 'Tay", Ryan said in a sad tone, not ready to stop his morning cuddles session.

"Baby, I'm not going anywhere. I just want to get some of the sheets to cover ourselves, so we don't catch a cold. Where did you put them, by the way?", Y/N inquired, and her baby just huffed before moving his hand from under Y/N's back to point at where he had dropped the sheets.

"Ova der, on da floor", Ryan mumbled against Y/N's chest before cuddling her once again. Y/N opened her eyes and followed Ryan's pointing, only to spot the sheets all curled up in a ball next to the foot of the bed, his pajama onesie lying close behind.

"Bubs, I have to sit up to reach for the sheets", Y/N informed her baby boy carefully, trying not to upset him, but that didn't work at all. As Y/N went to sit upright, with Ryan still over her, he started whining and shuffling to stop her from moving them but failed miserably as he was now sitting on his Mama's lap.

"Nuuu...", Ryan said in a broken voice and a few sobs escaped his lips. At this, Y/N quickly reached for the sheets with her whole foot this time, kicking them over the bed so she could reach them easily with her hand, before pulling them over them both as she laid back on the bed again.

"Ssshhh, I know, baby. Mama was so mean for moving you from your cuddle, but you're okay", Y/N soothed as she reached in her nightstand for one of Ryan's red pacifiers, which she had all around the house for these kinds of emergencies. Ryan continued to whimper quietly but his Mama quickly silenced his fussiness by sliding the pacifier past his lips. "There, there, Ryry. You see? Mama got you all nice and warm, and we are cuddling again. That wasn't so bad, right? There was no need for tears", Y/N spoke softly to Ryan, who just whined from behind his paci and nuzzled back into his Mama's neck, trying to ignore her teasing.

"Ssshhh Mama, me twyin' to go sweepies", Ryan told Y/N serious while sloppily shushing her by putting his index finger over her lips. Y/N let out a heartfelt laugh before hugging her baby tightly and making sure the both of them were fully covered.

"Alright baby, I won't talk anymore", Y/N simply whispered before closing her eyes and continuing to enjoy this sweet moment with her Ryry. After a few minutes, Ryan mumbled something, but Y/N was unable to hear him from behind the pacifier and her neck. "What was that, baby?"

"I wuv Mama's 'kin", Ryan repeated his previous statement louder, making Y/N smile but also giving her an opening to tease her baby a little further.

"Just my skin?", Y/N asked while moving back a little to see Ryan's face. He untucked himself from Y/N's neck and looked up at her with so much innocence.

"Nuh uh. Me wuv evwyfin 'bout Mama. Yur eyes, yur hai', yur kisses an' hugs, yur heawtbit an' yur 'kin. Mama's miwkies an' yur voice. I wuv my bootiful Mama lots an' lots", Ryan told Y/N softly while his eyelids slowly started to close as they were starting to feel heavy, all while Y/N continued to stroke his hair and caress his cheek, soothing him to fall asleep.

Y/N smiled at her baby's words, a few tears of absolute joy rolled down her cheeks, but she quickly brushed them away before leaving a kiss full of love on her baby's forehead and settling to continue her morning nap, which was interrupted but also highly upgraded by the adored baby boy currently laying over her.

"I love you Ryry, lots and lots. You make me the happiest Mama in the world", Y/N whispered silently, trying to reciprocate her baby's sweet words with something as true as his feelings. They truly loved each other, lots and lots.

Word Count: 1332 words



Hello hello 🤗 Here is another one-shot for the books with the always comical and adorable Ryry! Hope you guys enjoyed! Don't forget to vote, and comment if there is anyone from the cover you are particularly excited to see a one-shot with.

I'll see you guys next time,

- Rex

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