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The butler spent a long time trying to persuade the princess to return to the palace, but there was no way to change her mind, and in the end the butler had to return to the palace and report to his majesty that the princess had refused to return to the palace.

-Why did she refuse to return?

-She said she would rather live there than in the castle, your majesty.

-All right, let it be, when I am better I will bring her back, send maids to be in her care.

-Yes, your majesty.

A few hours later, the butler sent several maids to attend to the princess, when they saw the princess with bare feet and clothes full of dirt, they looked at her with contempt, but spoke politely.

-From today we will take care of the princess.

-I don't want to, go away.

-We can't, this is an order from her majesty.

Rebecca took a bucket of dirty water she had been using to wash her muddy hands and told them.

-I don't want you near me, leave or I will throw this water on you.

-Don't be capricious princess, we will be your help.

-For years I haven't had you, now I don't want you so for the last time go away.

The maids continued to insist until Rebecca threw the bucket of dirty water on them, with their clothes soaked they ran back to the palace, they went straight to the butler and told him.

-The princess is a cruel and wicked woman, she threw dirty water on us even though we only wanted to help her.

The butler sighed heavily and sent other maids but they ended up the same, every day the butler sent new maids, they all looked at Rebecca with contempt and mockery, she didn't want someone like that by her side, she preferred to live alone, forgotten by everyone. Rebecca welcomed them all with a bucket of dirty water, in the end she even found it amusing and started to wait for them eagerly, she enjoyed seeing how they looked and how they reacted after being soaked. In the end she ended up using clean water as they didn't even give her time to have dirty water.

Rebecca knew that everyone had her down as a mean woman even though it was the others who were mean to her, for the first time she decided to behave as the others saw her. She sat in a chair in front of the door waiting for the maids to knock so she could open it and toss them the bucket she held to the side.

-I hope they will soon get bored and stop coming to bother me, although I find it rather amusing to do this every morning.

When there was a knock at the door Rebecca got up very happy, she took the bucket of water and after opening the door she threw the water, but when she saw the person who was in front of her she opened her eyes like plates and wished that the earth would swallow her up, it was Setherian, he looked at her with an astonished face while the water dripped from his clothes. The butler, tired of all the servants he sent to the princess coming back soaked and complaining that the princess was evil because she threw a bucket of water at them with a big smile on her face, went to report to her majesty what was happening, he had told her to let him take care of the princess, Setherian had personally gone to speak to Rebecca, but he never imagined he would get such a reception, he frowned, he looked really upset, when he raised his hand Rebecca recoiled, he took a handkerchief out of his pocket and although it was also soaked he used it to wipe her face.

-What is the meaning of this?

-I didn't know it was your majesty," Rebecca stammered in fear, she had offended the king, she just hoped her head didn't roll off the floor.

Setherian entered the house and closed the door behind him, Rebecca wondered what he was planning to do with her.

-Get something to dry me off," he ordered in a stern voice.

Rebecca did as he ordered and handed him a towel to dry herself.

-I have ordered you to return to the palace, why haven't you done so?

-Because I don't want to.

-That's not an answer, what's the reason you don't want to go back to the palace?

-I don't like it.

-You'd rather live here like a beggar?

-Yes, I prefer this place to the palace, please let me stay in this place.

-It's absurd for a princess to live like this, you must show the dignity of royalty.

-Who cares, no one will see me anyway- Rebecca muttered with her head down.

-Stop mumbling and look at me when I speak to you.

Rebecca's beautiful golden eyes locked on Setherian's, waiting intently for what he would say. Setherian noticed that she was still wearing her old dresses, he noticed that the length of the dress was short and not worthy of a lady, she showed her legs without any modesty and she was barefoot as well.

-I can't imagine what kind of education you received- he said -You can't even call what you're weraing clothes, you really are a shameless princess.

She wore short dresses as they were more practical for work, and as for her education, she had never had any.

-But I've never had it- Rebecca muttered.

-You're a real nuisance, can't you live quietly without bothering anyone?

Those words annoyed Rebecca, since she had arrived at that palace she had stayed locked in a room, even when she was bothered by the servants she didn't complain, she had even been hurt and had suffered pain, but she never complained, that was the first time she said she didn't want something, it was the first time she wished that her life in that small place didn't collapse, she tightened the skirt of her dress with force, she couldn't keep quiet any longer, like a boiling pot she exploded.

-Stay quiet? That is the only thing I have done since I came to this place, I have been ignored and mistreated but I never complained, I just stayed silent, his majesty forgot I existed for 3 years, why doesn't he do the same now and let me live quietly in this place, is that too much to ask? is his majesty's hatred for me so much that I can't even be allowed to live in this far part of the palace in peace and quiet? what have I done to make his majesty hate me so much that he makes my life miserable? Tell me because I don't understand, why does everyone hate me when I have never done anything?

Rebecca began to cry, tears rolled down her cheeks, this was the first time Rebecca had ever told anyone how she felt, the first time she had ever cried in front of anyone else, the first time she wished her words could be heard.

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