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Seterian read the books that the princess had mentioned to him, after reading them he understood many things about the princess's personality and at that moment he realized why the butler had looked a bit puzzled when he had handed him the books.

He looked at his hand, the night before he had made sure to give himself a deep wound, however, that morning the wound was barely visible. He wanted to check that night if her wound disappeared completely and then depending on the result he would find out what kind of magic the princess possessed, since it was not detected by the power sphere.

Rebecca had eaten her fill, then she had returned to her small house in the farthest part of the palace, when she arrived she was surprised to see Romano there, he asked her.

-Where have you been?

-I was in the palace, from now on I will have to sleep in the king's quarters.


-His majesty has said that I must give him an heir, it seems that soon I will have to leave this house that for some time I could call home.

-My brother wants a son from you?

-I am his majesty's wife, although it may not seem so, my duty is to give birth to his majesty's son, and although he does not like it, he is aware that it is also his duty.

-Did my brother do something to you? What I mean is, did he try to attack you like he did in the temple?

-No, he didn't.

-My brother is not a bad man, that day he was upset, don't hate him.

-I understand his majesty's reaction, he must have thought my father had tricked him by sending an impostor, but it's not like that.

Rebecca showed an expression of sadness on her face, Romano handed her a basket and said.

-I have brought you this.

Rebecca opened the basket, inside there were several delicious looking desserts, although she had just eaten, she immediately awakened her appetite and said.

-Thank you very much.

Rebecca went into the house and a few minutes later came out with a blanket and her little pet fox in her arms.

-It's a beautiful day today, let's have a picnic.

Rebecca put the little fox on the ground and carried the rest in her arms, Romano followed her to the shade of a big tree, she stretched the blanket on the ground and then sat down.

-Come on, sit down.

Romano hesitated for a moment as it was going to be hard for him to stand up afterwards, but the princess kept insisting until he agreed and sat down next to her, Rebecca took a cupcake out of the basket, she handed one to Romano and one to her pet, then took another one for herself and tasting it she said.

-This is delicious, thank you so much for sharing with me something so delicious, you are very kind.

-I don't think I'm someone kind, when I met you I attacked you.

-That's true, but you haven't attacked me for some time now, you even defended me from your brother in the temple, that was the first time someone was kind to me, I'll never forget it, I'll always be grateful for that.

-Can I ask you a question?

-Of course.

-How was your life in the kingdom of Baldoyle?

-When I was little I was very sickly, my father hated that but he thought that my magic power would make up for my lack of health, however that was not so, as you could realize I do not possess magic, when my father found out about that he was furious and sent me to an abandoned room in the most secluded part of the castle, I had no servants, they came very occasionally, and sometimes I did not even have food, but somehow I survived. My father is a man who values power, for him someone like me is just trash, when he sent me here his last words to me were "May the light of Airon be with you", that is a death wish, it means that death comes soon to visit you, in short my father thought that I would die at the hands of his majesty, that is what he wished.

-I am sorry.

-Why are you apologizing?

-Even though you've had a hard life here you've had to go through the same thing.

Rebecca shook her head.

-It's not true, my life here has been much better, if I were still in that place maybe I would be dead by now, I am grateful for what I have.

Romano felt bad, he knew that the princess had been ignored and sent to the farthest part of the castle where she had received nothing, not even a decent meal, they had treated her in the same way that King Quin had done.

That day the two of them stayed a long time under that big tree, Romano returned to the palace when the pain in his leg disappeared again, he went directly to his brother's office, he stood in front of the door for some minutes, one of the guards that were stationed at the door asked.

-Won't you come in, your highness?

Romano knocked on the door with his knuckles and from inside a voice allowed him to enter, Romano seeing that his brother was with his assistant said.

-Hello brother, am I interrupting?

-No, sit down, I will ask for tea to be brought to us.

The king's assistant left and soon after a servant brought them tea and pastries, while they were drinking the tea Setherian asked.

-What is the matter, brother? Since you arrived it seemed as if you wanted to tell me something.

-I heard that the princess will sleep in the palace from now on.

-That's right, they are pressuring me to have an heir.

-Seth, why don't you let the princess go back to live in the palace?

-I had ordered her to do so before, but she refused, with tears in her eyes she begged me to let her continue living in that small house, she doesn't want to live in the palace again.

-But she has no one to take care of her.

-Because she doesn't want to, she chased away all the maids I sent, she wants to be alone brother, so don't get the wrong idea why she is still living in that small house that looks like a cage, it's because she wants to.

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