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I stared at my younger sister, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for her to clarify on what the hell I'd just witnessed! Gauri smiled nervously as she glanced at the man beside her

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I stared at my younger sister, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited for her to clarify on what the hell I'd just witnessed! Gauri smiled nervously as she glanced at the man beside her.

"Di, I'm Gauri's boyfriend Omkara," the long haired man extended a hand nervously. I glanced at his outstretched hand, and raised an eyebrow; prompting him to retreat it and stuff his hand inside the pocket of his trousers.

I looked at Gauri who nodded slowly. "I'm sorry I've been hiding it from you."

I sighed.

"Chutki," I cupped her face and wiped away the tears that fell. "I'm not angry." My sister looked surprised. "I'm just hurt that you hid such a fact from me."

"I was afraid," she admitted.

"Of?" I frowned, confused.

"That you wouldn't approve of him," she glanced at her boyfriend, hesitantly.

"Why wouldn't I?" I arched an eyebrow.

I didn't miss the nervous glances that were exchanged between the two, but nonetheless decided to stay quiet while waiting for the two to answer.

"I have some history," Omkara replied hesitantly. "I don't feel comfortable sharing it with you yet." He looked at me apologetically.

I wasn't pleased but did understand his viewpoint: I was practically a stranger to him; merely his girlfriend's older sister. I nodded, ensuring to keep the frown on my face just to let him know that I didn't fully trust him either.

"How long have you two been together for?" I asked, gesturing for the two to sit down.

"Five months," Gauri replied hesitantly.

I blinked.

Had I heard that right?

"Five months?" I whispered.

The two nodded with guilty faces.

"Di, I'm really sorry," Gauri began, only to stop when I raised a hand.

"Why did you hide such an important fact from me?" I asked, wracking my brain to find out the cracks in our relationship which might have given an indication as to the fact that my sister didn't feel comfortable in sharing details about her life. "Do you not trust me anymore?"

"Of course I do!" Gauri exclaimed. "I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, but you've been so busy with the fashion lines recently, I didn't want to stress you out." She admitted. "I know how protective and worried you always are when it comes to me."

She wasn't wrong about that.

"Stay for dinner," I looked at Omkara who glanced at my sister before nodding slowly. "I'll order," I muttered. "Omkara, would you be okay with paneer butter masala and plain white rice?"

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