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"So?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing at my brother, who shrugged

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"So?" I raised an eyebrow, glancing at my brother, who shrugged. "Will you answer the question, Om?" Exhaling a sigh, I steered the car towards the beach.

"Ask Gauri," my brother replied, looking pointedly at his girlfriend.

My eyes met the warm brown irises of Miss Mehra's, before she turned around to glare at her sister. "This was your idea?!"

Gauri shrugged, "You should be thanking me."

"Oh, is that so?" Miss Mehra replied in a flat tone.

"People usually share New Year's kisses when the clock strikes twelve at the Oberoi Mansion celebrations," Gauri rolled her eyes. "Rudra and Priyanka already concocted an elaborate plan with the help of Zaina Di to get you two to kiss."

The tires screeched to a halt as I pressed my foot on the break pedal. As everyone lurched forward, Miss Mehra turned to glare at me.

Ignoring her, I turned around to face my brother's girlfriend. "What are you talking about?" My eyes narrowed.

"Rudy and Prinku wanted to see if your relationship with Annika was any different than it was with Mallika," Om sighed. "You weren't ever affectionate with Mallika," he arched an eyebrow. "Not that you are much now, either, but you are more so than you were before."

"I think they wanted to test out whether Di would become their Bhabhi or not," Gauri shrugged.

"Geez," Miss Mehra muttered, rubbing her forehead.

"We did not want the two of you to be thrust into a situation like that," Om nodded. "Plus Gauri said that you would really hate it." He looked at Miss Mehra, before glancing at Gauri who chewed on her lower lip.

"Gauri," Miss Mehra groaned, glancing at her little sister with an annoyed look in her eyes.

"You know I'm right," Gauri shrugged. "You don't like being taken off guard, Di. You are a total control freak."

"I'm not that much of a control freak," Miss Mehra muttered under her breath.

"Yes, you are," Gauri stuck out her tongue.

Miss Mehra merely rolled her eyes in reply.

"Uh, Shivaay?" Om looked at me with an amused smile as I frowned at him, quizzically. "Will you drive?"

Shaking my head, I pressed my foot on the accelerator and continued towards the beach.

"So," I said after a few minutes had passed in silence. It felt awkward to break the silence when out of everyone present, I was sure I was the one who preferred silence the most—— alright, perhaps I was second—— after my brother. "You and Gauri planned to get the two of us away so Miss Mehra and I, did not have to kiss?"

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