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Everything around me was a blur, as Bade Papa and Dad instructed Khanna and the rest of the security to ensure that no paparazzi would be barging in through the gates anytime soon

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Everything around me was a blur, as Bade Papa and Dad instructed Khanna and the rest of the security to ensure that no paparazzi would be barging in through the gates anytime soon.

Bade Papa sighed, as he took a seat and looked at me. Dad arched and eyebrow, placing a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"We're not judging you for having a physical relationship with your girlfriend, Shivaay," Dad began.

My lips parted in surprise, as Om choked on his cup of tea. He looked at me, with his eyes widened in horror and amusement. Rudy grinned at me, while Prinku merely shrugged and gave me a thumbs up.

Mom had a hesitant smile on her face, while Badi Maa merely scrutinised me in silence. Dadi watched with a nonchalant smile as she ate the badams that Bua had brought from her room.

"Dad," I interrupted my father, who halted. "Annika isn't pregnant."

"Shivaay," my father frowned. "The papers——"

"The paparazzi are trying to spin a tale about something that doesn't exist," I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. "Mi—— my girlfriend isn't pregnant. If she had been, she would've told me."

As far as I knew, from Gauri chattering about anything and everything relating to herself and her sister, Miss Mehra hadn't had a relationship since breaking up with her boyfriend from Paris.

Which to my knowledge, had been right after her undergraduate studies at the ESMOD. About three or four years ago.

"Perhaps she wanted to surprise you," Dad frowned, suggesting nervously.

"Dad," I sighed. "Trust me. Annika isn't pregnant, alright?"

"Why was she at the hospital?" Bua interjected, raising an eyebrow.

Were we living in an ITV serial?

Did people have no other reason to go to a hospital other than pregnancies or near death experiences?

"People do have normal blood tests and regular checkups," I sighed.

"He's right," Badi Maa nodded. "Shivaay would've been the first to know, had Annika been pregnant." She looked at Bade Papa, "You were the first to know with me, and Shakti with Pinky, and Papaji with Mummyji." Badi Maa smiled at me, "I believe you, darling."

I smiled gratefully. "Thanks, Badi Maa."

"Aww," Rudy pouted. "I won't be a Chachu."

"Not yet," Mom grinned, looking at me teasingly. "Hain na, Shivaay?"

Rolling my eyes, I sighed in exasperation.

"Have you spoken to Annika about any of this?" Bade Papa inquired, frowning as he looked at the newspaper.

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