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I paused in front of the door, my hand poised to knock on the door of the doctor's cabin

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I paused in front of the door, my hand poised to knock on the door of the doctor's cabin. There was a feeling of guilt mixed with pain that swirled around in my heart with every passing moment.

I knocked on the door, before I lost all my courage and stepped inside the cabin of Dr. Nisha Sharma who looked up and smiled at me warmly.

"Annika, beta!" She stood up and walked towards me, enveloping me in a hug. "How are you doing? It's been so long!"

I smiled softly, "I'm quite alright Nisha Aunty." Her bright smile morphs into a more sympathetic one, "Have you talked to your sister yet?" She asked quietly. I shook my head, causing her to sigh. "You'll have to let her know."

"I know," I sighed, taking a seat. "She has a boyfriend." I looked at Nisha Aunty who looked at me with surprise.

"Do you not approve?" She asked worriedly.

"The opposite in fact," I grinned. "From what I know about him, he's a survivor and doesn't give up easily. He's calm and soft spoken. A perfect match for my little dabaang Gauri." I rested my chin my knuckles as Nisha Aunty took a seat in front of me, discarding her usual high chair. "I caught them making out two nights ago. That's how I found out." I rolled my eyes.

Nisha Aunty chuckled. "Were they mortified?"

"Oh absolutely," I nodded. "But it was quite entertaining. And Om, that's her boyfriend, well Om and his family care for Gauri."

"Is that so?" Nisha Aunty raised an eyebrow, smiling softly.

"I've always been a good judge of character," it was the truth and Nisha Aunty was well aware of it. "They care for my Gauri and can keep her happy when I'm gone."

Nisha Aunty's smile dropped as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me in concern, "Beta, we still don't know what will happen." She placed a hand atop mine which was laid flat on the table. "We never know what the future holds or what god has planned for us."

"You know I'm not a big believer," I slipped my hand from underneath hers and smiled. "But I've made my peace with my future Nisha Aunty."

And I had.

My life had always been unpredictable, filled with tragedies and loops that had always tried to drown me.

But I'd persisted, and I'd made sure that my sister had to. I'd taught her to take the bull by the horns and never stop fighting for herself and others. And I hoped that even when I wouldn't be there, she would carry with her—— what I'd taught—— wherever she went.

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