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I sat waiting on the chair, drumming my fingers on the table in front of me

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I sat waiting on the chair, drumming my fingers on the table in front of me. Nisha Aunty entered the cabin with a wry smile and handed me the papers.

"Not good?" I joked.

She frowned. "You've got time."

"Not too much though," I sighed.

"No," she said quietly, a somber look on her face. "Not too much." I nodded absentmindedly, stuffing the file into my bag. "Have you talked to Gauri yet?" I avoided looking at her—— which was an answer enough. "Annika, beta——"

"I know!" I sighed frustratedly, "I know I have to tell her Nisha Aunty!" Shaking my head, I rested my head in my hands. "But how do I——" my voice cracked. "How do I tell my little sister this?"

"I know this ain't easy," Nisha Aunty began.

"Do you?" I snapped. A look of hurt passed her eyes. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for and extremely rude of me."

She smiled sadly, "Do you know what I wish my daughter had done?" I shook my head hesitantly. "I wish she had told me earlier so we could've spent more time together." A melancholic smile appeared on her face as she gazed at a point behind me on the wall. "She spent so much time pushing me away," she whispered softly.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, ashamed.

"Don't snatch away that chance from your sister, Annika." She laid a hand on mine, squeezing gently. "You both will end up regretting it."

I glanced down at the papers. "I have a boyfriend," I blurted out.

Nisha Aunty blinked. "Oh?" A small smile curved upwards at the corner of her lips. "Do tell."

"Erm, you didn't watch the news a week ago?" I looked at her, eyes widening in surprise.

"No," she shook her head. "Wait," she gaped. "Are you dating a Bollywood celebrity?"

"No!" I replied at once. "Nothing like that." Sighing, I slumped down on my chair, "I'm dating Shivaay Singh Oberoi." Nisha Aunty arched an eyebrow. "Gauri's boyfriend's older brother and possibly her future jeth."

"Oh," she said slowly. "I certainly didn't expect that."

"But we're not actually dating," I added with a hasty grin.

"Huh?" She frowned at me in confusion. "But you just said——"

"It's quite complicated, but long story short," I took a deep breath. "We're pretending to be in love and pretending to date each other."

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