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Huh?! I looked down at my cellphone

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Huh?! I looked down at my cellphone. Ajeeb banda hain yeh. He just cut the call!

Shaking my head, I walked back inside, fanning my cheeks to cool down the embarrassment which I was feeling—— he must've heard the conversation between Ritwik, Bella and me.

Ritwik would've been manageable, but Bella's constant jabs made me feel annoyed—— did people not know social etiquettes anymore?

Sighing in frustration, I walked towards Neha who was giggling beside an open mouthed Ritwik.

"Ooooo!" Neha giggled. "What did our Jijaji say?"

"That's enough Neha!" I snatched away the shot glass from her hands.

"Anni, you're no fun," Neha pouted. "You used to down twelve shots in one go. What happened to you?"

"What she meant was why are you such a bore?" Bella scoffed.

"Bella, shut up," Neha frowned. "I only invited you because I'm dating your brother." She pointed a thumb at the man beside her, who was still engrossed in his book.

"Bella, be nice," Neha's boyfriend sighed as he looked at his sister.

That was as effective as wearing a beanie during a thunderstorm. I rolled my eyes.

"You used to party a lot in Paris," Neha looked at me. "Is everything alright?" There was evident concern in her eyes, as her eyebrows furrowed.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?" I asked exasperatedly. "I'm fine." Shaking my head, I pointed at the remaining glasses of shots, "I just don't wish to drink right now!" I frowned. "Just because I'm not drinking doesn't mean I'm not fine!"

"You weren't becoming Devdas after dumping Gabriel were you?" Ritwik placed a hand over his mouth which was wide open in exaggerated shock. "Haw! Anni, that's very bad! You shouldn't turn into Devdas due to one heartbreak!" He pouted.

"I didn't!" I snapped. "I didn't turn into an alcoholic. I can digest my drinks without becoming an addict," I rolled my eyes.

"Prove it," Bella crossed her arms.

"Excuse me?" My eyes narrowed.

"Finish these three shots," Bella pointed to the remaining three.

I looked at the shots hesitantly.

While it was true a small amount was perfectly acceptable, I did not want my condition to worsen.

"Too chicken?" Bella crossed her arms.

I rolled me eyes at her before downing the shots one after the other. I scrunched my nose as I aired my tongue to get rid of the taste of alcohol.

"Wooo!" Neha cheered while Ritwik hollered. Mihir looked up at me before shrugging and hiding his face behind his book. "So, tell us the full name of your boyfriend," Neha said loudly.

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