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I wrapped my arms around Neha who sniffled, as she laid her head on my chest

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I wrapped my arms around Neha who sniffled, as she laid her head on my chest. I ran my fingers through her hair, as my sister piled up unbaked cookie dough on top of vanilla ice cream before squeezing whipped cream on top of them.

She pushed the sundae bowls towards us, before squeezing a bit of the whipped cream into her mouth.

"Gauri," I chided, arching an eyebrow at my sister who smiled sheepishly, as a bit of the whipped cream dribbled down her chin.

She wiped it away hastily, before swallowing audibly and flashing all her thirty-two teeth at me.

"Stop scolding Chutki," Neha mumbled, slapping my knee.

I huffed out an annoyed breath, "Geez, how do you still have the energy to defend my sister, while simultaneously battling heartache?"

"It's a talent," Neha sniffled.

Gauri looked at me worriedly. I shook my head subtly, and she hurried to the kitchen, gathering the whipped cream and box of ice cream in her arms.

"Nehu," I mumbled softly, pressing my lips against her temple. "Babe, it'll be alright."

"No, it won't," Neha sat up abruptly, drawing her knees to her chest. A tear rolled down her cheek, "God, it's fucking pathetic." She let out a sardonic laugh, "I promised myself to never become my mother." She chuckled bitterly, "And now—— not only has history repeated itself with me, I'm crying my fucking eyes out over a guy that clearly doesn't deserve a single one of my tears."

Despite the disgust and anger I felt towards Mihir Gupta, I couldn't help but feel amusement at the way Neha's eyebrows furrowed and her nostrils flared.

"You must be the first woman in history to curse their ex for being a dickhead within less than twenty-four hours," my sister grinned as she flopped down onto the couches. "Usually people would be wailing."

"I did," Neha shrugged. "But that was for myself. Not for him." She accepted the bowl of sundae my sister pushed towards her. "I shouldn't bottle my emotions and suppress it all and suffer a mental breakdown sometime in the future because my dipshit ex-fiancé couldn't keep it in his pants."

I whistled. "That's my girl!"

Gauri clapped, hollering.

Neha chuckled faintly. "Never mind that," she shrugged. "We spent the past hour cursing my ex. Now it's time to have some girls' time."

"What do you want to do?" I inquired as I put a bit of the cookie dough in my mouth alongside the whipped cream.

"We're watching Mean Girls," Gauri announced. "From 2004." She paused, before adding, "And also the musical one from 2024."

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