Chapter 2 🔥

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I drove home with ceaseless thoughts in my mind and unconsicous Roy at the back seat.

As soon as I reached I spilled the beans about Roy got attacked. I said I didnt see the face of attacker it was dark. And I didnt reveal he kissed the hell out of me on my lips. I dont want to say that. May be I dont want my father's men to hurt him. But why? Why do I feel so.

My father was more concerned about Roy as he had a swolllen bruised face and I had a swollen lips.

I scrambled up the stairs after my father called upon for medical help for Roy.

I traced my swollen lips with my thumb. Damn I could feel every inch of his lips on me. The cold metal ring that bruised my delicate lips. The way he shoved his tongue deep inside my mouth only to pull out my tongue in between his teeth. He did had tiny lips but enough to hold hostage of my lips.It was my first kiss. Though Roy did tried to kiss me once but he withdraw the process once I kicked him in his balls.

I pulled myself back to reality when my eyes fixed on the strawberries and crushed sunflower placed perfectly on my bed.

I took them from the bed and ate one of the strawberries. When the strawberries flavour savourly rolling on my tongue an unclear memory is striking me. A tiny little hand plucking the green part of the strawberry. Thats all I could see.

I ate all the of it. I couldnt hold back its savouring taste.

I slouched on bed lying down. The kiss was pesturing me I was rolling on bed. I closed my eyelids for the sleep to take me over.


I woke up blinking my eyes swiftly. I felt cold breeze hitting my bare inner thighs. I rolled up my bodycon dress which I didnt change from last night due to my unlimited laziness.

I was damn sure I slept with my panties on. And now I woke up without it. I wandered my eyes around the room to check if it is lying somewhere on the floor, may be I removed it out of sleepy mode. No . NO I couldnt find.

The clothes in my laundary basket are disheveled. Some were out of the basket. Did someone broke into my room? Roy ? Did he? No he couldnt open his one eye. How could he break into my room? If not him then who? What were he searching in my laundary basket? And why is my pussy bare naked? And the zip of my bodycon dress is slit wide open at the back.

Oh my God!!! Did someone touched me , did the sinful thing to me? The strawberries and crushed sunflower? Was the strawberries drugged ? Was I unconscious enough for someone to break into my room and touch me?

I swiped up my middle finger at my vertifical folds of my pussy to check on blood smears or anything else? Nope but wet! Fuck. Why am I wet? Fluid flowing down.Did I have my nocturnal emmision? I ran to the mirror to check any marks on my neck or back. Nope there isnt.!!

I squated immediately to check if my hymen is ruined. ! No! Thank God! The vaginal folds are in its position,they are not protruding.I exhaled in relief. And stood up.

" Do not worry Sunflower, I wont fuck you when you are sleeping like little baby! " A familiar roaring voice striked my ear drums from behind.

I gasped and my eyes were round widened. I stumbled a step backwards. I gripped the sleeve of my dress that were in its half way to reach my elbow.

It was him. How did he even get in here?There are bodyguards outside. How did he dodge them?

" What?... How?.. ..g...get in here?" I swallowed my fear climbing my throat from my stomach.

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