Chapter 11

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" Jungkook"

I whispered his name. I stroke my fingers on the bedsheet where he was lying holding me tightly by the waist.

" Had a good time with him huh?" Roy asked me as soon as he barged into my room.

My eyebrows frowned. " Huh?"

" How many times did he fuck you?" He clasped his fingers into fist. Exasperation jotted all over his face. Oh I love that.

" None of your fucking business." I removed the duvet from me and swung my legs on the floor. I stood in front of him folding my arms across my chest. Well , I stood close enough for him to visualise the marks on my body given by my Jungkook. Great I am calling him, mine now.

" It is!" He gritted his teeth." I know his face Y/N. I have seen his face while he punched me. I am gonna get him soon." His eyes were fiercy. " All I need is his name! When I find him I am gonna torture him in front of your eyes "

I gulped down my fear of this bastard hurting my Jungkook. Idiotic asshole doesnt even know that he visits me every night to devour on my pussy, dodging every security in this huge mansion.

" Why dont u find his name by yourself?You are the mafia leader of this city. why dont u find him? " I mocked him.

He gripped my jaw and pulled me closer. He insetted his rough hand into my hair strands and pulled my head backwards. I winced in pain.

" I will find him and I will kill him mercilessly in front of your eyes Y/N. You won't be able to slut around with him."

I wish he was here right now to break this bastard. If he was here he would have broken his arm for touching me. For touching what was his. Because I belong to Jungkook.

I wrestled at his hold. He didnt budge. Footsteps approached my room. Releif. That would be my dad. He loosened the hold and let go of my Jaw after he heard the footsteps.

" Y/N, honey do you remember his face? what did he look like.?" my father questioned me with tense engulfing him.

" No! Dad, ....I...I..I.. don't remember anything. " My words broke. " After the light was out at the club , all I remember is I woke up here in my bed. "Lie. It was a lie. I lied to my father. Because I don't want them to find him. I dont want to start a war.

" So, He changed your dress? you werent wearing this to the club."Roy questioned to corner me.

" I woke up and I changed to this." I answered him.

" why didnt you call us ? where is your phone?" my dad queried.

"ummm ... its.. "

" He might have took her phone and disconnected the location. And he did switch back on when he wanted us to find her. " Roy stated fixing his eyes on me. " Right Y/N?"

I shook my head as a yes.

Roy glanced at me. He probably knows what we did at the conference room. There were enough traces of our dirty session we did in the room.Oh shit. The security camera. Everything will be recorded in it. Oh my God! We fucked for 3 hours or 4 hours may be. Everything will be there in it. Oh fuck. Everyone is gonna witness me having anal sex with a stranger. Fuck. fucking fuck!!!

No no my dad can't see that.Not him. Not Roy. Oh Jungkook would love it if Roy sees our anal sex session at the conference room. But No! I cant let him watch that. I need to erase that one. They're gonna browse it anyway possible now. Or maybe they did? And did my dad asked me knowing we fucked in conference room?

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