Chapter 4🔥

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He walked away. He just walked behind those book racks after delivering me skyrocketing orgasm at my nipples. I stood up collecting all my scattered dignities withered into embarassment in front of a complete stranger.

I walked out of library and rushed to my room.

He knows my name. He knows I am marrying Roy someday. How? How did he knew this?

I took off my clothes and stepped towards closet to get dressed.

I need to find out how does he make his way into my house without my father and his men noticing. I need to find out who is this guy. I need to find out why he is fucking obsessed with me.


It has been two strike that... two nights he didnt show up his handsome face. Nevertheless ,the strawberries and crushed sunflower made their apperance on my bed reminding me he is still watching me every night.

Then I decided I have to track him. Track his ways to my house and to my room.

I stepped out of my room and walked through the hallway. My bodyguards standing on either side of the corridor. They all followed me.

" I am not going out.! " I motioned my hand to stop them.

" But princess, its our responsibility" one of them bowed their head.

" I am going downstairs. ! Please let me". I crossed my arms.

They bowed their heads and I fastened my steps . Damn I couldnt even move around this house in peace ,either 5 men are always around me or that fucker stalker will be to give me orgasm the way he wants to give.

I took quick steps to the security room. I wide opened the door and the men controlling the security system halted their works and looked at me as if a little lamb has interfered their work.

" Princess, how can I help you.?" One of them stepped forward.

" I need you to connect all the survelliance camera of this mansion to my system." I spoke like my voice sounded as an order to them. Though I am terrible at it.

" sure! Princess! Anything else.? " he asked me waiting for my response.

" Nope! And dont let father know about this or I will fire you! Understand?" I glared at him.

" Yes princess!" He got back to his work.

I really hate it when they address me as "princess". May be" sunflower" sounds good. A voice pierced my mind. "SHUT UP" I placed my palms to my ears.

I close shut my room door and latched it. I leaned back on the door. "Am I going crazy? Why do I miss him?" I tried shaking off the thoughts but it just prevailed.

" No!! NO !! This is not happening. I am not having a STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.! " I shout at myself.

Just because I never get in love with anyone in this house right from my childhood doesnt mean I can fall for a fucking stranger who is obsessed with me.

I tried brushing off my thoughts but it emerged more when my eyes fell on the strawberries and crushed sunflower.

" I am gonna find out how you step inside here asshole. I am gonna tie you up and make you helpless while you get caught." I spoke to myself aloud.

I fixed my eyes on the strawberries on the bed. How did he know I love them? The green parts of strawberries are plucked out. I love to eat them only when the green parts removed and he knows that?

My phone buzzed.

UNKNOWN: do you like the berries and flowers baby?

Freaking psycho! He has got my number and access to my house so he can pay visit to my pussy and steal my thongs.

Possessed by him(JJk 21&🔞+ fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now