Chapter 25

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My heartbeats stumbled and tripped when my eyes fell on my sunflower holding her gun against the treacherous man. However, It was a splendid view when she stood for me against him.

And then the concrete fearsome sliced my smile on my face.

" oh my oh my.." Enzo chortled and his chuckles fragmented into the titter such that I want to pull out his every tooth with a cutting plier. "Y/N Parker.. Finally standing in front of me. " He lowered his gun from my head.

" Paxson!" He rubbed the barrel of the gun at his temple. " I told that dickhead to bring you to me .But he failed. " he threw his arms in the air. " The last time what I heard from him is.." He pursed his lips and hooked his neck moving his eyes to the ceiling. ".. he got your vaginal hole stitched!. did he ? huh? " He spoke to her clamping satirical tone at his words. He roamed his eyes all over her body.

Y/N's hand shivered. Motherfucker knows that would make her coil into a distress configuration.

" Stop being a pussy and untie me bastard." A nerve jolted at my jaw.

He hoisted his leg and swung to my abdomen,my intestine twiddled. My stomach tightened as I let out few coughs.

" I am talking to my soon to be whore. Not to you loser. " He placed his tip of his shoe under my chin.

" Another word about her, I will pull out your intestines and will coil it around your neck. " I snarled.

" Oh . JK.!A few minutes later you gonna see her all naked underneath me wriggling under my hold. " He set his foot to the floor. He guffawed again. Nope. Cutting pliers wont work for his teeth. A chainsaw would be better.

" Let . " Y/N's voice creaked. " him. " she took in few breaths as his words were clung to her mind. " Go.!"

" Y/N, Baby please run. I can get out myself. Please. " I pulled my wrists so hard that it would get fractured ,to free myself from the chains affixed to the rod.

"And then Paxton came in, that he would bring you to me with the help of one of his men. He appointed him to stalk you , follow you and finally abduct you to hand over you to me." He spoke tossing his gun in the air. While I switched my eyes to Y/N and she looked at me at the same time.We had a moment of eye contact that no one would ever able to perceive it. As we know , the man , Paxton send to stalk her was me. However I stalked her not because Paxton instruct me but because....

" Nope. That sick bastard failed too. I would pay a million dollars to whoever gets you to me " He shook his head raising his eyebrows to his hairline and batting his eyelids. I am going to rip off his eyelids such that he would never ever move his eyes to her like that.

"You know Y/N, I like to fuck tight. Hence I demanded them to stitch your vagina tight. As you already spread your legs to this fucker. " He turned his head towards me.

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