Chapter 19

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" Y/N".

" Jungkook."

The vital fluid from my eyes pooled down staining the parched streaks of my tears that ingressed few moments back when I heard the heart wrenching words.

I couldnt leave. I couldnt turn my heels over to let him die. My heart weighed down to my stomach. My limbs numbed. An unobtrusive string of multiple emotions pulled me towards him.


hold me tight!

dont let go!!dont let go!

leave her. dont take her from me.


The voice. The sinless voice.The little hand held my hand in agony pictured in my eyes concealing the reality happening around me.

"Y/N" Jungkook raised his blood tainted hand. I agitated my thoughts to brandish it out of my mind.

I pitched the pistol to the floor.

I ran. I ran to him.

The sanguineous fluid from his shoulder and right abdomen lashed out, so did my four chambered involuntary organ that was creaking at my rib cage.

I perched on my heels and revolved his body. I clutched the hem of my night gown and wrenched to get a long strip of it. I stowed it on his right abdomen.

"Put some pressure on it! " I took over his hand and laid down it on his bullet wound.

He winced.

" Fuck!"

I set my fingers at his shoulder wound and moved my eyes to his eyes.



Tears in his galaxy eyes. The tears I never witnessed the day my eyes met his.

My heart constricted. My throat couldnt swamp down my mouth liquids. I swiped my thumb at his tear droplet.

"Stay here and hold still. let me get some help!" I sniffed my nose droplets.

I stood up. My feet immersed into his blood puddled on the floor. I sprinted. I sprinted to the entrance door.

I hastened my feet movement and set my running pace on the cold snow white ground. The cold breaths of air slashed through my skin slicing up the warm sheath of atmosphere around my forearms.

I ceased my unceasing leg locomotion for a few minutes.I partially opened my mouth to get a huffs and puffs of the cold air that were freezing my nostrils.The muscles of my posterior part of my lower leg solidified. The affliction at my calf muscles stung through the entire area.

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