Chapter 7🔥

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I shot up my eyes at his enlarged dick dangling from his balls. Fuck It is huge. No way it would fit any of my holes in my body. The green bluish veins lining his shaft and appearing as if it is protruding. The head it is of alike a mushroom head. The tip of his head is a buldged one enough to tear me apart anywhere it enters. The tip of his head was glistening with his pre cum already. Ok my cum too.

My hands tied back and I was down on my knees in front of him astonished by his huge size. My mouth opened partly involuntarily looking at his big dick. He was right. My fingers will not be enough to hold it. My eyes travelled down his entire length .My eyes almost popping out of the socket when I calculated its size in my mind. No way , I am not gonna take it inside any of my holes. NOPE.

His balls are perfectly structured and round bagged in his scrotum that I would love to suck on. Fuck. I am drooling and simping over his balls now? . I dont know , this man is fucking making me go insane for him.

The urge to run my hand from his length to his balls is killing inside me. The whore inside me made me to spread my thighs for him involuntarily.

" Done ?" He asked tieing his hands at his back and standing proud of his dick size.

I gulped down my drooling saliva " what?"

" eye fucking my dick! "

" God! No"

" Then why were your lips parted for?" He curled his fingers around his dick.

Another gulp down. " I..I..." stuttered. I Stuttered.

" Your mouth is watering by the sight of my dick , sunflower." He held my jaw in his large hands. He took his long dick and slapped it one my cheeks. " open that pretty mouth, let me fuck it baby"

He gripped my jaw to hold it still. He squeezed my cheeks to make my mouth open for him. Despite his pressure on my cheeks my mouth opened for him.

" I am gonna drive down every inch of my dick inside and you gonna take every inch like a good girl." He slapped the tip of his dick again on my lips. And he put his half length inside while my tongue slid down his mid length inside.

" Oh Fuck Y/N" he moaned my name.
He pulled it out and again he plunged the half length inside. " Fuck baby! It feels so good"

He then took his two hands and fisted my hair with both of his hands on either side so that my hair look like piggy tails. " You ready baby?" He asked me.

And Yes I nodded like a whore of him with his half dick stuck at my mouth. He gripped hair into two piggy tails made by his hand grip and drove his entire length inside my mouth striking my back throat. I gagged. And belched.

" Open wider ,sunflower! Stick your tongue out. Open it fucking wide for me." He pushed hard inside me mouth again while I thrusted my mouth forward.

He moved his hip forward while I moved my head forward and his hands gripping my hair in piggy tails bouncing at two sides of my ears. His huge dick was rubbbing inside my throat. My mouth watered more and all the mouth liquids were coating his long shaft from till his balls. My hands were tied up behind my back or else I would have held his long shaft though it wont fit in my fingers.

I enclosed my lips more narrower wrapping around his dick and sliding it in and out of my mouth. I stuck out my tongue more forward for his dick to enter more inward my mouth. Our movements were relentless and ceaseless with gurgling sound of his dick striking my back throat hardly. Our movements went on in synchronisation as his moans , his groans, his grunts , his gasps calling out my name again and again throwing his head back and showing up his adam's apple that was bobing up and down. The more I moved my head to devour his dick , the more he tightened his hold at my hair.

He frowned his eyebrows and pouted his lips leaving hissing sound pressing his teeth together. His eyes were glued to the way his dick wrapped around my lips and shoved down my mouth. While my eyes looked at the way he was wrinkling his forehead and pouting his lips and again releasing his pouted lips to tugging his lips inward that revealed his mole at the base of his lower lips.

He plunged his hips harder and harder, my boobs were hitting his thighs and he let go of my fisted piggy tails he grabbed my two boobs in his hand. He was right . My boobs are full in his hand and its perfectly fits in. He compressed them both with his both hands without stopping his hip move neither did I stopped my bobbing movement.

" Fuck baby! Your tits are hard!" He slapped my one boob it dangled to one side and came back to its position. It made me wet more and my tongue demanded more of his dick to slide inside and out. And he fucking knew it.

He slapped my other boob again. He slapped again. And again and again. My boobs might have turned red and the tingling sensation was hitting my bare boobs.

He then took my hair into fist again with his one hand and carressed my boobs again. He thrusted his shaft more briskly and then he put his dick for one long minute inside my mouth to feel all the warmness inside against his dick. I gurgled . He didnt budge. I gagged . He didnt budge. I coughed. He didnt budge. He stayed with his dick inside my mouth. " Oh Fuck Y/N" he threw his head back and rolled up his eyes to his head. Fuck, I made him to roll his eyes to his head.

He pulled his dick outside. The head of his dick was beaming and glistening with his cum and my saliva mixed together. He pushed it again inside. And continued his hip movement in and out. He is close. He is fucking close. His hip movement was so fucking paced up. He is almost there to sling all his seeds inside my mouth.

" You ready baby.?" he asked me. I shook my head as a yes and blinked my eyes to let out the tears that were flooding by the oral sex process. " You ready to take my cum in that pretty little mouth huh?"

I felt his dick throbbing against my mouth to sling the seminal fluid out. He then moved his dick in and out in and out in and out and let out a deep sigh filling up my mouth with his all cum inside my mouth. He let stayed his dick inside my mouth making sure every drop his cum is inside my mouth and not spilled out. Such a precious cum huh!.

He trembled. He curved his abdomen inward. His breaths were heavy and abnormal as he came down from the high pleasuring point I made him to reach.

He then pulled out his dick. He held my cheek to make a hollow shape at my mouth. " Dont swallow! let me see my cum brimming your pretty mouth."

I stayed my mouth open . His cum was briming my mouth. His cum was full in my mouth.His cum tingling all of my taste buds of my tongue. His cum swimming around my throat to flow down. His cum was about to drop of my lips. And then he placed his palm at base of my chin and made my mouth shut.

" Swallow ! Swallow every drop of my cum sunflower!" Jungkook commanded me. And I did like the dirty slut of Mr.Jeon Jungkook. I swallowed his cum without any disgust like it was my one last meal for me to live.

He swiped his thumb at my lower lips. He then leaned down and untied my hands. He walked around me and stood behind me.
" On all fours, baby".

I turned my head towards him." Jungkook?

" You think we are done? We are not done yet. Understand"His lustful stare was a poking hole in my body.


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