Chapter 13🔥

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He took another strawberry in his hand. While I was literally begging him to untie me and to touch him. To touch him and feel him while he is inside me.Yes . I WANT HIM INSIDE ME. Oh great! What is wrong with me? I am craving for my stalker's dick to be stuck inside me despite the fact I got engaged to another man few hours back. He burnt down my engagement gown . He made me to suck his dick and watched his cum dribbling down my hands coating my engagement ring. He was fucking amused by the sight of his cum being rolling down my engagement ring. And I spred my legs for him promptly when he commanded me to do so. I am fucking weak when he is around me. He owns me, like he said. He was right about it.

My legs were wide spred and cuffed on either side of my bed's footboard. The more he fixes his eyes on my cunt the more I get wet. FUCK. How can someone get wet by the lecherousness stare. ?His lustful eyes makes me frail and delicate for every fucking time he is around me. I have literally become a greedy whore of Jungkook. No matter how much I speak to my stupid mind not to allow him to touch or devour me but I always fucking end up on my knees for this man. This man who owns me. This man who would slasher anyone just to own me. Like he said with or without my terms of acceptance and agreement. He owns me. JUNGKOOK OWNS ME.

He tossed the strawberry in the air and caught it in his palm , gazing at my body up and down with his eyes. He slowly wandered his eyes looking at me.

" Jungkook please!" I breathed out.

" Please? What? What do you want, explain sunflower?" He is fucking crazy ,he would barge that strawberry inside me if I mislead my words from my mouth.

" Untie me" I gulped down the saliva that was droughting in my mouth due to prolong gasping.

" Wrong statement!" He growled.

Berries ! fucking strawberries!!!

He fit those strawberries into my cunt.

" take them out you asshole!!" I gritted my teeth and lifted my head to get the view of what he is doing down there.

" Not untill you come all over these strawberries, baby" He sliped the strawberry inside coating it with my wetness drooling around my cunt for this man.

He pressed his thumb on my clit. I curved my back with jolt of temptation escorting through my body.

" Now, be a good girl and come all over the berries, I will pull them out with my tongue." And he
pressed his thumb harder.

" And beg for it baby" he let out an erotic whisper. He then rotated my clit pressing his thumb on it.The pleasure was joggling inside my body.

My eyeballs moved backwards direction to my head and I curved my neck. Fuck it. I AM GONNA BEG HIM TO MAKE ME COME.And I am gonna feel embarassed about myself for that.

" Jungkook,Please let me come. Please I am begging you." I pressed my fingers inwards into my palm , the nails dug deep inside. I bent my feet inward as strings of temptation pulling and hauling at my feet.

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