Chapter 21

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The distress climbed up my bones and muscles disintegrating them into dust. I curled my fingers around the ring and condensed it. My feet stumbled on the ground. My feet didnt stay fixed to the ground instead it tripped when I moved forward.

" you dont wanna see that , Jungkook."Jimin grasped my biceps and compressed it.

My instinctual bough bifurcated to my neurons and cells that , it would not be my sunflower. I trust my instincts. The awaiting sense inside me laid in single thread of disintegeration. I broke it and stepped forward to witness the body.

" It cant be her. " I growled at him. I propelled him aside and fastened my legs at the back of the huge van. The blowflies and fleshflies welcomed me flapping their wings at my nose. I waved my hand to send them away from restricting my way to the corpse. My stomach coiled as nauseous spikes stung my intestine. I bolted my eyes to either side of the woods and to the sky to do a safety check from being attacked by the vultures.

Nope. Clear.

I fixed my feet to the ground that it dug deep inside the mud smearing dirt around my boots. I lifted up my feet with dirty weighing it down to the earth.

" Please don't be ..... " I whispered to myself. The dried leaves rustled accompanying with my monotonous whispers and mutters. The dry dead leaves and the fresh alive leaves swooshed through gale and bristled my nostrils clinging them with the rotten smell. Nevertheless. the gale stroke my nape by sprouting my hair from my back to the spine to solace me It wouldn't be my Y/N.

I swept away my feet past to the other side of the van and found out the driver's door was open. All the fleshflies and blowflies were shoving throught the driver's door to feed upon it. The minute traces of reassurance stormed in and sheathed me.

I hastened my steps towards the driver's door that was flung open. I plastered my eyes instantly on the body with courageous rage. The corpse was lying anchored with its face stuck to the steering wheel. The vomit partnered with fear agitated my bile juice at my stomach. I moved my eyes from its dorsal side to ventral side. From its anterior to posterior part to find out any traces of Y/N that would confirm the identification as her. My eyes scanned the entire corpse and the reflex signal sent to my neurons gave in results, that the corpse was a man. I squinted my eyes to focus on something that stood spike at the arc of the corpse neck. It was a broken glass piece. He has been attacked by someone. Hence the huge van slanted and crashed to the tree.

"Jungkook." Jimin rushed towards me in split seconds. " You okay?"

" Thats not her!" I let out a relieved sigh. My head started to calibrated to peak weighs of thoughts . Thoughts of ,where she is now? Thoughts of ,is she still alive? Thoughts of, did she attack this person?

If the van crashed here, what about the people in it? Where did they go? Who were they? Who were the bastards that were with my Y/N.?

Roy,Clark and Paxson. Who else could be?

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