Chapter 20

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Warning⚠️ mention of sexual violence and assault

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Warning⚠️ mention of sexual violence and assault. Read only if you are comfortable.


18 Days later

Please leave my son.


mommy ! daddy!!!

The man I detest most, wrapped the curtain cloth around my delicate throat. I hold on to the cloth firmly to get the release of it.

"Just let him go! We swear we will never speak a word about this. Please."My mom cried.

"You should have stayed in your home. " The other man accompanied him pressed his boots on my mommy's throat.

I hit his leg ceaselessly to stop my mommy from leaving this world and me.

Mommy !!



" Mom"

" Jungkook."




" Moomm" My eyelids mounted up with a loud gasp leaving my lips.

" Jungkook!"

I flickered my eyelids to calibrate my iris to the lights on the ceiling.

" Jungkook"

" sunflower! " The slick word slipped out involuntarily.

" Jungkookah! " A familiar forefingers tapped my shoulder.

I gulped down few drops of my mouth liquids. I switched my dilated pupils to scrutinize the orgin of voice.

" Jiminshi!" I elevated my upper body from the staired bed.

" Y/N, ... Y/N .." I curled my fingers to the grips of the bed. " I need to save her... She must be must be in trouble. ..Jiminishi. please... "

" Jungkook ! calm down. ! " He placed his arms on my shoulders.

" No ...No . my Y/N. I have to save her. .. Please. " I wandered my eyes. It was a fucking hospital. Why am I in a fucking hospital
Where is my wife.? Where is my sunflower? She must be in trouble. She needs me. She needs her husband. She needs me.

" What the fuck am I doing here?' I pared off the pulse oximeter followed by my oxygen mask and swung my legs to the cold floor.

" Jungkook you need to calm the fuck down. " He placed his forefingers on my shoulder and pressed my upper body to sit on the bed.

" There was a blast !The blast wave threw you and your head got hit to a tree trunk due to . ..." He sighed. ' and you had a mild concussion." He inhaled sharply. " you have been here .. in hospital for few days. You wake up at times sometimes calling for your mom, sometimes calling for Y/N"

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