Chapter 3🔥

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I was literally bruising my ass cheeks with loofah to scrape out his hand prints on my ass. I threw away the scruber and brushed my wet hair with my hands .

Hot showers striking my shoulders and back. My thoughts were about the filthy moments with him this very morning. How did I let this happen ? He touched like I was submissive whore of him. He touched my ass my vagina , He saw me naked actually ,not my boobs though.

Why do I feel I want those hands on me again? He is a stranger. I dont know his name ,where he is from? Or what he does for living?Yet I was drooling wet for him. This is fucked up. Totally.

I stepped out of shower. I dont want my bodyguards or Roy to break into my room If I am late for a second.I dabbed the towel on my wet skin and wrapped it around my body.

I dressed up myself. I covered my hickeys with foundation and conealer. What about the bunny teeth mark on my lips.? What am I supposed to say if everyone sees that? Well, besides Roy would guess it was because of the kiss at the club. Yet he keeps his mouth shut not to call off the wedding.

I wore a mask to conceal it. I tugged my lips inward often as my lips were felt so fucking sore. I dressed up into a floral frock that was swinging till my knees .

I made my way to the library at upstairs. Yes library. I am not allowed to mid school,high school, or college. Because my father is always perturbed about his rivals would abduct me or torture me to death. I am home schooled. I didnt have the joy of friends, party, drinks, smokes, drugs,night outs, sex, sex with boyfriends ,sex with strangers or whatever a badass girl can do. And yeah I am virgin.

I have five surrounding bodyguards around me blocking my "freedom" air to my lungs. I am allowed to hang out only with bastard Roy which I detest the most in my life. He just takes me with him to smooch other women pussy in front of my eyes ,side of my eye or behind my eyes. While I stand there with disgust dangling all over my body. Definitely I will not alllow this bastard's filthy hands on me.

I removed my mask. I was tapping my fingers on the books in the book rack to analyse any new good books. My fathers always make sure he keep new books uploaded in the library for me to read. He knows I love books. However, he dont know that I love smut books more.I accomplish the sorrow of not being a normal kid through my books. I read them as a Pov character in the book. And smut books, they make me wet.

The silence was sheathing in the huge library that has 200 racks on whole in with zig zag rows. A sweat drop falling on floor can be heard loud in here. I love this place. This place where I feel all myself again. No bodyguards ,no guns ,no tensions of getting abducted. Silence. Peace. Just calm and...


I turned over my head to the sound that echoed in library. My eyes fell on the book titled "kiss and kiss"on the floor. I lifted my eyes to the rack from where did it fall. Nope. The rack is full and organised . Then how did the book end up here.

I squinted my eyes. A purple color paper was popped out at the corner of the book. I picked up the book and took out the paper and unfolded.


He is here.
How did he get in here?


Another book on the floor. I turned to the sound Sweat coating my foreheads in beads. I took slow steps to the book. Purple paper inside the book again.


I torn the paper into pieces. Fucking Pervert.

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