Chapter 22

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Warning: ⚠️Disturbing scenes ahead

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Warning: ⚠️Disturbing scenes ahead.


18 days earlier

"let me go you douchebag!"

" Let me go." I secured my fingers into a fist and hit him with the heel of my palm.

He spun me around and threw me in the car's back seat. Yet. My eyes were sealed to the sight of the man who was strangling Jungkook's throat. The next moment , I witnessed the man being thrown down to the ground by Jungkook.

I switched my eyes to Roy. And that sick bastard was pointing his gun at the car. Precisely to blow it off.

"No, No.. fuck No" I cursed to myself and tried to unlock the car door. locked. It was fucking locked.

I thumped my hands to the glass window. " Please no.. dont." I cried while every muscle of my heart shrunk. " Dont. Please. Let him go "I thumped profusely. He slid off a sinister smile at me and hooked his finger at the trigger to heave it.

I want to kill the sick bastard in every way possible. My breaths shortened with sweat slings sheathing my hairlines. I started to hyperventilate. Despite my thighs skin being scraped off with blood drooling down, the only pain that confronted me now was losing Jungkook irrevocably. I tightened my clasp at the seats. My nails would shred along with the leather pieces and shreds.

" Please no!!" I screamed. I screamed with the judder escorting down to my vocal cord.

The gun shot to the car and it detonated. The explosion's supersonic sound screeched my ears and my world shattered into shreds. The blazing fire raced up to the azure sky. The car burnt wilting out the ashes and dust. The ashes and dusts? was that my Jungkook? .He got hurt? did he die? Did he leave his sunflower all alone with these pussy sucking monsters? My neurons progressed to an improper function. My brain cells froze after engulfing the incident that happened in front of my vision.

" Jungkook." I whisper cried. I condensed my eyes for a milli second hoping that this was all a sort of dream and it would brush off the minute I opened my eyes.

Nope. It is not.

I condensed my eyes again. I opened my eyes. The fire was still in its mission of eruption and incinerating my Jungkook. He was nowhere to be found in between the gaseous threads of the fire. Only the dust was flapping, indicating he is no more.

No No No No.

" Jungkook." My heart thumped to my ears. My breaths hung to my windpipe barricading my further oxygen supply. My visions went pitch black, dark and eerie as the black clouds. My pupils dangled and scrolled up as the tartarean mists embraced behind my eyes.

look at me !

look at me sunflower. I am right here. Right here. look.

My eyelids scrolled up to my eyebrows with jolts of thunderstorm visions of Jungkook being polished off into the blazing fire. I flickered my eyelids and I sat stiffening my spine. " Jungkook." My chest congested. " No no.. no. He must be hurt." I blurted out.

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