Melting of a frozen heart

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When a frozen heart starts to melt from a blazing fire

"_____" Redwood - District sevens finest forest fire

"_____" Redwood - District sevens finest forest fire

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"District seven female belongs to Treech"

"She sure looks friendly"

"I am Treech Duchannes I am going to be your mentor"

"Aww do I look like I give a shit?"

Treech Duchannes - A capitol heart throb

"You're insufferable really, you have no class at all"

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"You're insufferable really, you have no class at all"

"Damn I'm sorry. In the districts having a stick up your ass isn't required"

"Wait. Do you like her?"

"I don't know"

Vipsania Sickle - perfect class act girl

"She's just district scum, she'll probably just be dead by the end of this"

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"She's just district scum, she'll probably just be dead by the end of this"

"Don't you dare say that about her"

Will they be just enemies, or more?

Will they be just enemies, or more?

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"It's okay to be scared. It's what makes us human"

"You know I really hate you"

"Say that again, but like you mean it"

        Treech Duchannes is classic capitol boy. Rich, snobby, just an all around asshole with a heart as cold as ice. But people love him for that. He has a kind of charisma that pulls you in, and make you forget about all of his arrogance. Treech is the grandson of the capitols famous Deimos Duchannes. The wealthy, and powerful governor of Panem. 

        Treech is also the son of Quillon Duchannes, a famous war general, who quickly rose in power during the war. Treech's father now runs the business that handles all of Panems communication channels. So Treech Duchannes isn't a person who is easy to ignore. Well for anybody except his father. But with his family Treech Duchannes is destined to be on top.

        With all that being said Treech is a prime example of what a capitol boy could be. He's attractive, rich, prideful, and ambitious. Someone who has their whole life handed to them on a silver platter. He could do anything he sets his mind too, and no one would bat an eye. Not his father, not his classmates, not his future fiance, and certainly nobody from the districts.

        _____ Redwoods is one of district sevens many lumber jacks. She's a tough girl with a fiery spirit to her. One might call her hot headed, but others can see her reason. She was born into a dead end life. One with very few opportunities. It was to attend school until you couldn't afford to anymore. Then you get shoved into whatever filed of work is lacking employees, then you start your sentence of being under the capitols demanding thumb.

        Miss Redwood has every reason to hate the capitol. They took place in a war that cost her everything. A war that took her mom, and her childhood. Because of them she has to be put into a lottery of death. One where if her name is pulled her only prize is certain death, or the status of killer. Not to mention she works most days just to please the capitols need for wood. To contribute to supplying their unfair needs.

        So it is safe to say that the girl hates everything that comes from, or is related to the capitol with a burning passion. As long as she breathes, she'll always find a way to bad mouth the capitol. No good can come from them, and no good ever will.

Can a fire melt an icy heart? 

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