87. From This Monent On

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"Sloane, this ceremony has been amazing," Theo said as they left the Room Of Requirement about 20 minutes later. Daphne was showing her rings off to the girls and Draco, Blaise and Harry were filling Ron in on everything he missed. It was probably quite a shock to come back from his...appointment only to be told he had a wedding to attend. "I honestly don't think I could ever thank you for this. You have made me the happiest man alive and given Daphne back her glow and smile."

Sloane shook her head as she spoke. "Theo, by now I assume you know that I have a bit of an ability to understand how others are feeling?" he nodded. "Well, I can feel how you and Daphne feel. She is smiling and glowing because she has bound herself to you in every possible way. You are her family now, legally and that is all she wanted. You have made her smile like that, not me."

"Kind of like how you make Draco smile," Theo raised his eyebrows as Bill congratulated the bride. "I have seen him you know. He has been...lost these last few years but since he met you, you have become his anchor. His centre of gravity, keeping him sane and keeping him from losing himself. You saved him. You helped me marry the love of my life, you saved my best friend, and you helped my other best friend find love that he never thought he even deserved. You are a goddess. I need to buy you something special....like a unicorn or something."

"I think I would have to draw the line at a unicorn in the castle," Professor McGonagall said her arms folded as she stood in front of the group. She looked around at them. "I feel like I may be underdressed for dinner," she gestured to everyone's suits and dresses. "Or did I miss something special."

"You did," Theo nodded standing tall and pulling Daphne into him. "You know Professor that our parents demanded that we get married over the Christmas break. Well we decided to take matter into our own hands and....proceed with the ceremony, earlier than planned."

"And without our parents or family to spoil it for us," Daphne added. "Sloane came up with the idea and everyone worked together to make it the most amazing little ceremony. Theo and I are now husband and wife and I couldn't be happier."

Sloane looked nervously up at the Headmistress who looked around at each of them. "Well," she said as everyone leaned back waiting for the lecture or shouting. "Congratulations to you both," she smiled as she took both Theo and Daphne's hands in her own. "And well done for taking back the control and not forgetting that this union was more about love than obligation or shame." She lifted Daphne's hand to see the ring. "Beautiful," she smirked. "So where are you off to?"

"We thought we would all head back to the councillor's dorm to celebrate," Draco answered. "It didn't seem fitting to head to the Great Hall with everyone else."

Professor McGonagall looked alarmed for a split second and nodded. "No I daresay there would be some questions and with curfew set for 6pm there really is not other option." She bit her lip and clicked her fingers as a small house elf popped into view. "Wilf," she smiled bending down to her. "I wonder if you could plate some dinner and dessert for this group to take in the Council Dorm room?"

"Of course Ms," the house elf beamed. "I cans do that now."

"Perfect," she smiled. "And maybe save one of those cakes for them as well. They are having a bit of a celebration. Maybe some treats?"

The elf nodded again as she turned to the group. "Right away," she beamed noticing Daphne's gown and catching on. She bowed again and disappeared.

"Thank you so much professor," Sloane smiled at the woman.

"Would you care to join us?" Theo asked smiling politely.

Professor McGonagall shook her head. "I have patrols to do and then dinner to eat. But thank you." She turned to leave and then looked back. "And please try to keep the noise to a minimum, so other students don't ask for special treatment."

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