Chapter 1: Needing A Home

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The waves of the ocean were calm and steady tonight, sitting out on the shore with his crew of mutants as Superfly had to take his mind off of things. After his dad Baxter Stockman got killed by the police guards over a year ago, honestly they've all missed him that much. At least, Superfly is the oldest brother and he's been taking care of his brothers and sisters for a long time. The silence got interrupted by a cute little whimper and crying sound around the beach.

"Bro, I hear crying!" Mondo said gently as superfly suggested that they should see where the crying is coming from, out near the shore.

"Let's check it out!" Superfly said gently as the mutants walked towards the shore, the sound of the crying was getting louder; until Leatherhead gently brushed all the sand off of it. Revealing four small sea turtles with birthstones around their necks, the one who stopped crying with the blue sapphire eyes started blinking. "These poor creatures."

Ray Fillet spoke. "I'm gonna go see if I can find their mother in the ocean." He said as he dived into the ocean, looking around for a minute or two. Technically, he gasps and sees a mother sea turtle have gotten killed by a huge shark.

Superfly sees his brother getting out of the ocean. "What did you see down there?"

"Fly....their mother gotten killed by a shark which means they don't have a family." Ray Fillet said gently.

"Poor dudettes!" Mondo said in sadness as he picked up one of the baby sea turtles into his hands. "They've must gotten these birthstones from their mother after being hatched."

"They're so cute and so tiny!" Wing Nut said gently as she looked at their beautiful, amazing, perfect shells. "Fly, we can't just leave them here!"

"Yeah mate, they need a home!" Leatherhead said gently as superfly smiled at the little baby sea turtles, they almost reminded of him and his siblings when their father got killed too.

"You know what? You guys are right, but I'll raise them as my daughters which makes y'all their aunts and uncles from now on." He said gently with a smile on his face as the mutants got excited about it.

"Awesome bro!" Mondo said in a happy tone.

"Looks like you girls got a new home!" Wing Nut said gently. Rocksteady found a cardboard box to put his nieces in, since they were coming to live with them.

"And here's a nice box to put them in!" He said as superfly put them in the box, mondo just figured that the girls needed names.

"We should give them names too!" Mondo said as he started to hold up a baby sea turtle and thought of a perfect name for the youngest. "Let's see, I'll name you.... Maxine besides your freckles are so cute little dudette."

The freckled sea turtle started to giggle in cuteness as mondo kissed his adorable youngest niece on the head. Her birthstone is the color yellow.

Wing Nut started to name the other one with the purple violet eyes sparkles and she smiled. "Awwww you're such a little crafter huh? I think that we'll name you Liana!"

Liana had the most beautiful eyes ever, purple amethyst is her most favorite color that's why her birthstone is shaped like an oval, most look like a diamond it's the color amethyst purple.

Superfly holds up the last two baby sea turtles and named them. "I'll name you Hailey and Eva!"

Hailey had dark brown eyes, her birthstone is shaped like an oval and it was a lighter blue color called Opal. Eva had aqua green eyes, her birthstone is shaped like an oval it's a pink sapphire color.

"Lovely names mate!" Leatherhead said.

"Let's head home!" Superfly said as they left the beach and went back to Staten Island that they call home and took the girls with them, but they had to get cleaned up because the girls were covered in seaweed and everything else.

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