Chapter 16: We'll Always Be With You

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Meanwhile, Hailey and her sisters were on the rooftop with sad, disappointed looks on their faces. Feeling the betrayal of diction who snitched them out and ended up telling Superfly everything that they've been doing behind his back. The girls couldn't risk of not seeing their boyfriends, but they just didn't want to be alone forever.

"I can't believe Dad was snooping around in our room and found out about everything!" Hailey said in less anger than her sisters.

Liana sighed sadly. "Not only that, Diction betrayed us and I thought he was our friend. But it turns out, he's such a traitor." She said as she kept thinking about Donnie every minute.

Just then, the boys found the girls on the rooftop and noticed that they were down in the dumps. Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey went up there and try to figure out something that was bothering the girls.

"Hey girls, you don't mind if we join you for a while?" Leo asked as the girls were really happy to see them tonight.

"Nah, me and my sisters don't mind at all." Hailey said as she twisted her hair with her finger and blushed. Leo sat down next to Hailey, while Raph sat down next to Eva, Donnie sat down with Liana and Mikey sat down with Maxine. "We've been having a bad day."

Leo looked at Hailey and spoke. "What's going on?" He asked in concerned.

"Well, our dad just found out that me and my sisters have sneaking around out here and then he knows that we're in love with you guys until he told us that we couldn't see you anymore." Hailey explained.

"Wow, that sounds really harsh of him to do that." Raph mumbled as Eva sighed.

"Yeah." Eva replied. "Our dad just doesn't understand how we feel about you guys."

"So, who's your dad anyway?" Donnie asked as the girls knew that the boys were trying to find out what superfly was planning soon but they were just gonna be very honest with them.

"Superfly." Liana said nervously as she scratched the back of her neck. The boys were shocked about finding out about the mutant fly is the girls father.

"What?" Raph asked in shocked.

The girls looked at their boyfriends and felt like total idiots for not telling them about this sooner.

"I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Ever since me and my sisters were baby sea turtles, superfly took us in and raised us as his daughters for 15 years. We wanted to tell you about it, but we we're scared that you guys didn't want nothing to do with us." Hailey said as she looked away from Leo, feeling ashamed of herself right now. Her sisters felt the exact same way.

"Hailey, we love you girls so much, but this isn't something that you have to be ashamed of." Leo said gently.

"Really?" Hailey asked.

"Yeah, but we're just a little shock that you're dad is superfly. There's no way that we couldn't be mad about this." Raph said gently as he placed his hand on Eva's cheek, she closed her eyes and sighed romantically.

Mikey slowly lifted Maxine's chin. "Nothing can ever change how we feel about you girls." He said gently brightened up a smile on his face.

Liana looked at Donnie and hugged him tightly. "Donnie, we've still want to be with you guys no matter what." She said gently as he hugged her back.

"I know." He said. The girls stood up from their feet and that's when the sea turtle teen girls started singing as their birthstones were glowing in different colors. The wind blowing through they're hair as the girls smiled.

Hailey singing:

We will always be with you, makes no difference where you're road takes you to.

Liana, Eva and Maxine singing:

Even if we're apart, now we're joined at the heart, though our moment may be gone.

You and I will still live on.

Leo and his brothers smiled at the girls, stood up from their feet as they started hugging the girls in their arms. Stroking their hair through their fingers, kissing on the forehead. Then Leo started singing as well.

Leo singing:

We will always be with you, we'll be by your side whatever you do, other memories may fade. But the ones that we made are eternal as a star, now we're part of who you are.

The turtles and the girls singing:

And I'll be with you of the sound of your laughter, I'll be in the tears you cry.

Donnie looked into Liana beautiful purple amethyst eyes that sparkled as her birthstone continued to glow, her magic started to appear purple butterflies circling around them.

Donnie singing:

Cause the way you and I have touched one another.

The turtles and the girls singing:

Doesn't end, with goodbye.

Leo, Raph, Donnie and Mikey singing:

We will always be with you.

The turtles and the girls singing:

Like a guardian angel, constant and true. When you're lost in the night. (The boys: Lost in the night).

And you can't see the light, my love will see you through.

The boys singing:

We will always be there.

The girls singing:

You had us there.

The boys and the girls singing:

We will always be with you.

Hailey layed her head on Leo's shoulder, while her sisters cuddled up on their boyfriends chest, not wanting to let go. They were just in love with them.

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