Chapter 6: Secret Origin

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Digging up soda cans from the trash for Liana's crafts, Eva wanting try makeup on so she keeps that inside of a bag, Hailey and Maxine were getting some stuff that they've wanted as well as they've been keeping their human stuff in their closet for the past few days.

"This idea was genius Liana!" Hailey exclaimed with happiness as Eva and Maxine nodded in agreement. "I've never thought about getting some popular stuff would help us become normal teenagers some day."

"Yeah, I wonder what it'll be like being normal." Eva said as her beautiful dreadlocks were up in a ponytail, Maxine's pigtails were still braided longer.

Liana puts her arms around Maxine and Eva shoulders. "Thanks to me, we'll be normal in no time as long as dad and the others don't found out about everything it'll be fine!"

"Yep, smooth sailing!" Hailey said as her long black hair was down to her shoulders. Sneaking in their secret hideout of Staten Island near the ocean outside. The girls made it home just in time until their father and the other mutants were at the dinner table, waiting for them to get back.

"Girls!" Superfly shouted out as he got his daughters attention, the girls had nervous looks right now.

"Hey daddy, I know that we're late for dinner but-" Eva got cut off by him.

"I don't want to hear it!" Superfly said in a little anger as he been wondering what they been doing lately. "But what I want to know is, where have y'all been going for the past few weeks?"

The girls got nervous about that question and ended up lying to their own father.

Hailey spoke up first. "We we're just swimming in the ocean!"

"Yeah, and also hanging out with each other for weeks." Eva said nervously as she twirls her dreadlock with one of her fingers.

"I don't buy that for a second!" Superfly said as he stood there, waiting for them to answer until he notices that tattoo on Maxine's right shoulder. "Is that a flaming dragon tattoo?"

Max got nervous and started to sweat a little bit, stammering in the tone of her voice as she didn't want him to be mad.

"No, of course not dad! How do you know to ask about this tattoo? Hahaha!" Max said nervously as she laughed, then she stopped when her father was giving her the glaring look.

Superfly slowly pacing back and forth with his arms behind his back, his daughters knew that they couldn't keep on lying to him about everything, because he gets suspicious about some of the things that they do.

"Oh I don't know! Maybe it's because that me and the others heard you screaming the other night! And y'all been going out in the human world without my permission!" He said as Liana couldn't take it anymore and told him the truth.

"Okay dad, we have been doing that for the past few weeks! But don't blame Maxine about the tattoo." Liana said gently.

"Yeah dad, it's Liana fault! She's the one who used her powers to make a diamond needle and gave me the tattoo." Max points out to her genius and smartest sea turtle teen sister who convinced her about it.

Liana looked at her as the two sisters arguing with each other. "Whoa, whoa! You were the one who said that you wanted a tattoo just because humans have some!"

When she mentioned that word humans as Liana gasps and covered her mouth with both of her hands, Superfly sighed and looked at his daughters who been keeping this a secret from him.

"What have I've been telling y'all about the human world?" Superfly asked in anger.

"You said that we couldn't go out there because of our birthstones! But it's totally fine and it's not like that we've been doing this for years without you knowing!" Max said as she reveals their secret and her sisters glared at her.

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