Chapter 10: Ninja Star Incident 💫

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One month later...

Recording a video of Raph slicing up a whole watermelon with Leo's sword as Donnie and Mikey cheering wildly for him. The red mask turtle got up to his feet and thinking that it was the best thing that he's ever done.

"That was awesome!" Raph said excitedly as he toss the sword back to Leo who got the watermelon juice off.

"Come on guys, we just got ungrounded alright? Let's home!" Leo said annoyed by his brothers. They've haven't heard from the girls in weeks.

"Leo can I ask you a question?" Raph asked.

"What Raph?" He asked.

Raph walked towards to Donnie and Mikey as they've watched the video on his cell phone. "Is it weird to have your head so far up dad's butt?" Raph asked jokefully.

"Does it smell weird up there?" Mikey asked as they've started to tease and laughed at him about the joke.

"I bet it smells like cheese and Doritos!" Donnie said in a squeaky voice.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Haha guys very funny!"

"Sorry, we can't hear you." Donnie said.

"You're voice is too muffled through the cheese." Mikey said.

"I bet Hailey would be interested in your batman voice." Raph teased. The video was in slow motion as they were actually impressed with the skills.

"Check this out in slow motion." Donnie said impressed with everything in the video on his phone. "Dude that's the coolest thing I've ever seen."

Raph had a way better idea. "Let's try that again but with ninja stars."

Donnie and Mikey gasps at that idea it just got their attention. Holding a ninja star in his hand as Raph started to aim for a target direct hit at the watermelon.

"Eye of the tiger Raph." He said to himself.

"Come on, you're good." Donnie said as he holds his phone in his hands and got started recording it on video. Mikey got nervous since he's the one holding up a watermelon over his head.

"Um, guys do I have to be the one to hold this?" Mikey asked nervously.

"Yes! Who else is gonna do it Mikey?" Leo asked as he crossed his arms and looks at his brothers.

"Don't worry about it Mikey, your fine! Chill! He's gonna die." Donnie muttered.

"Hey, why did we pick a fruit that shapes exactly like my head?" Mikey asked as his eyes narrowed at the watermelon.

"Your head looks like Stewie and a version of hey Arnold." Donnie said with a smile.

Losing focus on the target as Raph let out a groan and tried to concentrate on his aim for the watermelon fruit. "Stop talking, your ruining my concentration!" Raph said loudly as he started to countdown on the right time to throw the ninja star. "3, 2, 1..." Mikey let out a scream, but then the star hit someone who screamed.


"Do you hear that? What was that?" Leo asked in a worried tone as he rushed over at the edge of the rooftop and sees a teenage human girl who yelled at them. "Oh no."

"Hey! You on the roof, you just hit me in the head with a ninja star!" She shouted loudly as Raph act like he didn't even care.

"What's her deal?" Raph asked.

"She's yelling at us a lot." Donnie said.

"I think she's mad because we hit her with a ninja star." Mikey said gently.

Leo started to scratch the back of his head nervously. "I think we should go down there and check up on her! It's not that I like her or anything but I'm starting to like-"

"Hailey? Dude, we've figured that." Raph said.

"No, don't sidebar!" She continued to yell at them until she wasn't paying attention to the thug who picked up the scooter from the ground.

"I think that guy is helping her." Mikey pointed out.

"Uh, I think he's stealing her scooter." Donnie said as the boys started watch everything that was happening right now.

"Hey, lady behind you!" Mikey shouted.

"Actually, we can just split the conversation-" she yelled in anger as the thug got on the scooter.

"No, your scooter!" Leo shouts loudly as he pointed out, until she turned around and sees the thug have took off with her scooter.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She tried to keep up with him, but it was too late since he got away.

"He's getting away." Mikey said.

"Well, we tried to warn her and there's nothing we can do; so do you want to grab pizza or something?" Raph asked his brothers as Mikey started to smile when he mentioned that word pizza.

"No, no, no! Guys, she got her scooter stolen and it's our fault we have to fix this." Leo suggested that they would help her out with this.

"Yeah, that sucks we have to fix this? I mean, she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time so it's not even our fault." Donnie muttered as Mikey nodded his head and agreed with him.

"Exactly." Mikey said.

"I gotta get the scooter back to this amazing and charming human woman! Formation! Go!" Leo said in a Batman voice as he did a backflip and took out both of his swords. But he was only interested in Hailey ever since he met her the other night; Leo thought that she was the most beautiful sea turtle girl ever.

"Follow him!" Mikey exclaimed. The boys have made it to the repair garage shop as they've went inside and sees a lot of thugs all over the place.

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