Chapter 17: It Wasn't The Right Time To Say 'I Love You'

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Looking at the bright lights of the city from the rooftop as the boys begin to think that their dad is getting really overprotective of them, starting to have frown looks.

"You know? You girls are in the same boat as us already. Our dad is pretty overprotective too." Raph said as Eva looked at him.

"Really?" Eva asked. Raph nodded, Leo spoke up and explaining everything that happened.

Leo sighed. "yeah, our dad literally tried to cheer us up with fake cutout of humans, balloons and several of pizzas." He said as the girls looked at the boys when they told them that they had to end up lying to their rat father back at the sewers.

"So....we sorta end up lying to him about what we were doing, like going shopping and getting some groceries but not really." Mikey said gently.

Hailey and her sisters realized that they were just like them, because they ended up lying to their mutant fly father back in Staten Island. Being normal teenagers, getting whatever they want, going to high school, being popular and falling in love. Superfly wanted to take all that away from his 4 sea turtle teen daughters, just like splinter wants to take that away from the boys.

"Yeah, our dad can't take everything that we want away from us that's why we're trying to stop superfly as soon as possible." Donnie said gently as he'd held Liana in his arms. Leo was holding Hailey's hand, while Eva laying her head down on Raph's shoulder and Mikey touched his forehead to Maxine's forehead as they looked into each other's eyes.

"But we're just like you guys, we couldn't tell our dad about about everything either, that's why me and my sisters ended up lying to our dad for the past few days until he found out about it." Hailey said gently.

Liana looked at Donnie and spoke. "And you guys are so amazing, we wished that the world would accept us and we wish that every day. But now, after meeting you and falling in love with you..." She said gently as Liana begin to nuzzled into Donnie's shoulder then continue with the conversation.

"The whole world just seems so beautiful to us." She said gently as the girls are having thoughts about telling the turtles of how much they loved them.

Max spoke to Mikey. "All, we want to do is with you forever."

"And we just wanted to say that...." Hailey and her sisters said together, but then stopped for a few minutes. The boys were waiting on what they wanted to say.

"What?" Leo asked gentle.

Hailey and her sisters figured that it wasn't the right time to confess their feelings to the boys yet, since Superfly wasn't okay with his daughters being with them.

"Nevermind, but we should go found out what superfly is up too anyway." Hailey said gently. The boys nodded and then looked back at the girls to see if they were coming with them.

"You girls coming?" Leo asked gently.

Hailey sighed. "We'll catch up with you guys in a minute." She said as they nodded and left.

"Hailey, we gotta help them besides we don't even know what dad is planning on soon." Eva said as Liana nodded in agreement with her.

"Yeah, it's probably not good at all." Liana replied.

"I agree with you on that." Hailey said gently as she took a deep breath and exhale, begin to look at her sisters and spoke. "Listen girls, I know that we want to tell the boys about how we feel about them, but it's not the right time to say it."

"You're right, I think we should wait until the time is right to tell the boys about our feelings." Max said gently.

The wind blowing through the breeze of the girls hair and they looked at each other, then went to go meet up with the boys in the van.

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