Chapter 23: Mutants vs Superfly

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As the turtles, the girls and splinter arrived at Staten Island. But everything was dark inside and all they see is a machine plugged in the wires with other stuff. Unfortunately, the girls figured that superfly and the mutants weren't here, because they were no sign of them here at all.

"Maybe, they just decided to give up and go bowling again." Mikey suggested as they heard a familiar voice in the dark.

"Nah, fam! We just one step ahead of y'all!" Superfly said as the lights came on and the mutants came towards them, Mondo had a crowbar in his hands. Liana took out her wand.

"Back up!" Donnie said out loud.

Splinter scolded them. "I don't want to fight a fellow mutant, but I will."

"Y'all just won't quit, huh? What is it about these stinkin' humans that you love so much?" Superfly asked in anger as the boys put away their weapons and looked at the other mutants.

Donnie spoke. "Humans are complicated creatures. They're good like April and bad like that lady who milked us!" He explained to them.

"Sorry, say what now?" Wing Nut said in confusion.

"As much as I don't like them and trust me, I do not like them. If we kill them, we are no better than they are." Splinter said gently.

"Not all humans aren't bad." Hailey said gently with a smile. Eva, Liana and Maxine nodded in agreement with their older sister.

"I refuse to accept that you all are cool with brutally killing all of them." Leo said gently as he started to make a good point. "You just can't be! You're awesome, you're fun! We vibed!"

"You're not killers! I mean, come on. Look at you." Mikey said gently.

"But it's the only way that we'll be accepted." Mondo said as he still got the crowbar in his hand.

Raph shook his head. "No."

Leo had an idea. "You can come live with us. We accept you."

"Yes! Plenty of room!" Splinter said happily.

"I kinda don't want to murder anyone on earth. I just want to sing." Ray Fillet said as Wing Nut nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that's a good point. I rather not murder tons of people. Cause, what if I'm haunted by the victims in my sleep?" Wing Nut asked as the turtles smile and nodded.

"Yeah." Mikey replied.

"Of course. Murder is a heavy burden." Leo replied.

Mondo came towards to Mikey, spoke. "Bro, you'll really let us live with you?"

"Of course bro." Mikey said excitedly.

Superfly couldn't believe what he was hearing. "What the hell are y'all doing? Man, stop this kumbaya 'i love each other' stuff! Kill these fools!" He demanded.

Mondo sighed and spoke. "No, we don't want to do this! But I don't think we ever did! We just didn't think that there was any alternative, but now that we've met these dudes, we see that there is! So, let's just stop and vibe!" He said as everyone else agreed with the teen gecko.

"Nah, man I don't vibe! Neither do you, okay? Now get in line!" Superfly said in anger.

"Seriously Bro?" Bebop asked.

"Turn off the machine." Rocksteady said.

Superfly glared at his family and his daughters for turning against him with everything that they've went through.

"My own family and my own daughters turned against me after everything that I've done for y'all! Bottom line, you wanna stop this machine? You gotta go through me?" Superfly said as he went up to the machine and turned it on, aiming it at the city. Hailey and her sisters couldn't let this happen.

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