Chapter 22: It's For The Best If We Stay Friends

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Meanwhile, back on Staten Island as superfly and his siblings were working on the machine and getting it ready for tonight to destroy the humans on earth, like they've always been planning. Although, Superfly was angry with his own daughters for not taking his side. Even though, his sea turtle teen daughters were growing up and he wasn't gonna let anyone ruin his plans to destroy New York city tonight.

"Ray Fillet shut your mouth! If y'all wanna be sad then I'll go listen to some John Legend music or something!" Superfly hissed as he looked at his siblings and they weren't even happy about anything.

"Sorry." Ray Fillet apologized.

"Sorry bro." Mondo said.

Superfly scolded them. "Now remember, this is a happy day. So we're gonna kill every human on this big old ugly earth! So smile Mondo!" He demanded as the mutant fly went back to working on the machine.

Back in the sewer as splinter is in the room by himself in the dark with the balloons and several pizza boxes on the table, he started to look at some old pictures of him and the boys. The rat ear perked up as he begins to hear a noise from the sewer tunnel and thinking that it was the boys coming back.

"Boys? You come home? You forgive me? My surprise party worked." Splinter said in a happy tone as he gasps to see a human in his home. "Get back, I'll fight you!"

"Hey, Mr Rat man, um I'm April and I come in peace. I'm friends with your sons and right now they're in trouble." April explained as splinter is shocked about his sons lying to him and then he heard a few more voices.

"It's true sir, we need your help to save them." Hailey said gently as splinter was also shocked to see 4 sea turtle teen girls.

Getting a little bit of ooze dripping slowly as Mikey is getting milked first, it hurt so much that he started sobbing and wailing, yelling out in pain as his brothers watched with nervous looks on their faces.

"No, stop it! Ahhhhhh, that was bad!" Mikey said weakly.

"Does it hurt?" Donnie asked.

"Of course it hurt, she's milking me!" Mikey cried out.

"Try to think of something to take your mind off the pain." Raph said as Leo just thought of an idea that would help Mikey.

"Yeah, think of pizza Mikey! Think of pizza!" Leo exclaimed as the orange mask turtle didn't want to think of that, since he was getting milked.

"No! Pizza is made of cheese and cheese is made of milk and I'm being milked! it infiltrated my every thought!" Mikey sobbed with tears coming out from his eyes, before lowering his head.

"I'm so sorry Mikey!" Leo apologized.

Cynthia walked into the lab and noticed that it wasn't enough ooze, she suggested that they keeping milking them until it was really full enough from the top.

"Continue milking them until we have the acquired amount." She said as the boys let out groaned, they were getting tired and weaker by the minute. The police guards stayed and continued to milk the turtles even more.

"Ow.... This is it guys, we're gonna die here getting milked to death in the lab!" Raph said weakly.

"I can't believe April just left us, maybe she was just using us!" Leo said gently, lowering his head.

"Well, she did end up getting a great story." Raph said gently as the boys continue to talk to each other. "Turtle boys give super villain the last part of his evil machine."

"You know that's actually a pretty good title." Leo said.

"Yeah, I definitely give that one a read." Mikey said gently.

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