Chapter 18: Meeting Superfly

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Under the Brooklyn bridge as the turtles and the girls were in the van, flashing the headlights on Superfly and the rest of the mutants who stood by side him. They've got out of the van as the mutant fly father started glaring at his sea turtle teen daughters. Donnie was shocked in surprise to see other mutants like them.

"I can't believe they're are other mutants like us!" Donnie said in surprised.

"This is crazy! Let me guess, 15 years ago right? Some sludge was dumped in the sewers and y'all came from that." Superfly said as he guessed it right.

"We prefer the term ooze, but yeah." Raph said, nodding his head.

"It sounds a lot better." Leo said. Hailey spoke to her father.

"Besides dad, we've already told the boys that you raised us when we were baby sea turtles." Hailey said as Eva nodded and spoke next while crossing her arms.

"Yeah, they've pretty much know everything." Eva replied.

Superfly rolled his eyes and spoke. "Well, I like that, I like ooze. So, look, look the same ooze made me, right? My dad Baxter Stockman, he's the one who dumped the ooze down the drain baby. So technically, we cousins." He said as the turtles cheering.

"We're related." Leo exclaimed cheerfully.

Mikey showed off his braces. "I've always wanted a cousin." He said with a smile on his face.

"Well, look at you now. You got a bunch, I'm so sorry I didn't introduce my peeps!" Superfly said as he started calling out his siblings names. "This is Bebop and Rocksteady."

"Hey man, whatcha looking at?" Bebop glared.

"Yeah, whatcha looking at?" Rocksteady asked with a massive glare.

"We got Wing Nut." Superfly said as the little mutant bat started to wave her Wing at the turtles.

"Hi, Wing wave." She replied.

Superfly point out to Ray sting mutant. "We got Ray Fillet."

"Ray Fillet..." He sings in a high pitched voice, holding up his flap and superfly is already annoyed by his singing.

"Stop singing fool, just say your name normal man." He said as Hailey and her sisters started giggling.

"Ray Fillet." He said normally.

"This is Leatherhead." Superfly point out to the mutant gator who wore night vision goggles and clothing.

"Aye, good day fellas." Leatherhead exclaimed.

"That's Genghis frog." Superfly said as Hailey crouch down to her uncle's level and put on the puppy dog eyes cuteness.

"Look how cute my uncle is." She said as she looks back at the turtles and they started to think that it was so cute and adorable.

"Awwwww, he's so adorable." Leo said.

"Peekaboo." Raph said in cuteness.

Genghis frog glared at his niece. "Don't patronize me, Hailey."

"We working on that though, your name is whack man. That's scumbug, she only speaks virmin." Superfly said as the mutant bug started speaking her own language which freaked the boys out. "And that's Mondo gecko."

Maxine whispers to Mikey. "He's totally my favorite uncle ever." She said quietly.

"What's up bros? One thing about me is that I'm a hugger." Mondo said as he started hugging the turtles. Hailey and her sisters smiled at the moment.

"That one seems cool, I like his vibe." Mikey said as they looked at each other.

"I like your vibe." Mondo replied.

"I like your vibe." Mikey said.

"I like your vibe."

Superfly sighed and spoke. "Mondo, quit hugging everybody!"

"Yeah, remember why we're here. The story." Leo said as Mikey crossed his arms and Donnie spoke up.

"We heard that you were building some kind of weapon." He said as the mutant fly got confused on that.

"Weapon? Nah, I'm building the opposite of a weapon. What I'm building will create." He said.

"Okay, I'm leaning in." Mikey said.

"What are you building?" Leo asked concerned.

"If we gonna chat, let's go some place fun." Superfly said. He'd lead the way to a bowling alley and they've all started playing arcade games, enjoying themselves. The girls were having fun with the boys like smiling and laughing.

"Wow! Guys, this is the most fun me and my sisters ever had with you." Hailey said with a smile.

"No problem, we've just never asked you girls about your birthstones lately." Leo said gently.

Hailey and her sisters were nervous about telling them about their birthstones, before Diction have told the girls that they're worth of their special magic and spells.

"Well, it's kinda a long story if you guys are interested in hearing about it." Eva said as her beautiful dreadlocks touched down to her shoulders.

"Yeah we are." Raph said.

The girls smiled at the boys, since they were in love with them and decided to tell them about their story of the birthstones.

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