Chapter 2: The Beauty View Of Staten Island

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Hailey, Eva, Liana and Maxine were growing up so fast as they became little sea turtle tots and they also had hair growing from the top of their heads. Technically, Superfly didn't want his daughters to go into the human world at all since it was forbidden, the girls had nothing fun to do except for swimming in the water near Staten Island.

Looking at the view from as 9 year old Hailey didn't know what it was like in the world of humans, her sisters were wondering the same thing for the past few days.


She jumped a little bit as she turned around and sees her mutant fly father walking towards her. "Hey dad, isn't the view up here amazing? It almost makes me want to go out to the human world."

Superfly looks at his daughter. "Hailey, we've been over this and I don't want you and your sisters going out to the human world because..."

"Because of our powers to our birthstones, we know." Hailey said gently.

"Exactly." He said gently as Hailey sighed and leaned against the balcony. "Look, I just don't want anything to happen to you and your sisters besides I know what's best for y'all."

Hailey and her sisters just wanted to be normal for once, not feel trapped like they couldn't do anything else like humans do all the time and she knew that her father wouldn't understand.

"Okay dad." Hailey said with a gentle smile.

"Good." Superfly said as he ran a claw through her hair. "Come on, Wing Nut just made spaghetti and garlic knots for dinner tonight."

"Yay! My favorite!" Hailey said in a happy tone as superfly chuckled at his daughter. Hailey loved being a big sister all the time, she'd always do Eva's dreadlocks like she wouldn't have a problem with doing her little sister's hair, but Eva dreadlocks were a little bit shorter.

Liana really likes to do creative stuff, like making bracelets out of soda tabs or bracelets out of rubber bands. She's more of into anime characters, comic books, and other stuff like that; but with her sister Maxine teasing her sometimes and calling her geeky names she usually ignores her.

Maxine likes to be a troublemaker, but she wants to be normal when she becomes a teenager and discovered more about humans.

Their birthstones also glows whenever the girls uses their powers, Superfly reminded his daughters that they needed to take it easy on the powers; because the humans would put his daughters in a lab and experiment on them if they ever found out that they existed in this world.

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