Chapter 20: Car Chase

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Once they were outside as superfly showed them the device that he was planning on using to kill the humans or turn most of them into mutants. Letting out a hiss sound as the turtles and the girls were nervous about it and didn't like the plan.

"So, you wanna roll with us? Because I can activate the machine tonight." Superfly said as he looked at the turtles, while his siblings cheered wildly.

"Hey, just checking in." April said through her ear piece as Leo scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Are you stopping him now or are you gonna let me film an evil villain last piece of his horrible puzzle? You gonna stop him?" She asked through the ear piece.

"Yeah, I got this." Leo said quietly as he walked up to Superfly and spoke to him nervously. "Listen Superfly, um, this is gonna sound weird but what if we're not into the plan?" He asked. Superfly stopped and heard it, besides he doesn't like to get angry that much especially when something makes him very angry.

Hailey didn't like the idea either. "Yeah, you can't just kill humans just because you hate them this much." She exclaimed.

Superfly couldn't believe that his own daughter was taking Leo's side and thinking that those turtles were manipulating his daughters to get them on their side.

"Then, that would mean I was wrong about you turtles....y'all not as cool as I thought you were." Superfly said as he faced them with a mad look on his face, pointing out to the turtle teen while continuing the conversation. "Not only that, you guys trying to manipulate my daughters on purpose and that right there! Pissed me off!" He yelled in anger as he stomped on a fire hydrant which caused the water to come out. Eva, Liana and Maxine hid behind Hailey in fear.

"Dad, they're not trying to manipulate us, I promise." Hailey said gently as she tried to calm him down.

"Stay out of it Hailey, this doesn't concern you and your sisters!" Superfly said in less anger and glared at his daughters.

Leo spoke nervously. "Look, man, we we're just kidding besides I love the killing people part. It's a great idea." He said as superfly looked suspicious at him and calmed down.

April was hiding behind a car and filmed everything on her cell phone. "This isn't gonna be so good." She said to herself.

Donnie looked at Leo and spoke. "Guys, I've got an idea. So superfly, my man, we'll drive in the van with the storage unit and you lead the way." He said in a squeaky voice and act cool.

"Nice, smooth." April said to herself.

"Cool, but I drive fast. So I don't want y'all to get lost. Mondo, Rock, Wing Nut ride with the tortoises." Superfly said as he toss the keys to the gecko and he caught the keys in his hands. "Girls, y'all coming with me."

Hailey and her sisters sighed, they knew that their father is overprotective of them all the time.

"I drive." Mondo replied.

Raph smiled nervously. "You good to drive?"

Mondo laugh hysterically with his eyes looking at different directions at the same time. "No."

They've started following each other in their own vehicles as April drove her scooter and followed them behind. The boys were in the back of the van whispering, trying to come up with an idea.

"You think of something." Leo said quietly as Donnie glared at him and spoke up to the mutants.

"Hey dudes, fun cruising with you all, but where are we going exactly?" Donnie asked in concerned.

"See that building over there? Nah, that's not it. We're going to the shipping graveyard over in Staten Island. It's the best place ever, bruh." Mondo said.

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