Chapter 7: A Special Present From Diction

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Later that night as the girls were in bed, barely still up that late, thinking about their secret origin and that their dad never told them about it.

Breaking the awkward silence, Liana sighed and decided to speak up.

"Hey girls, if dad doesn't let us be normal teenagers we're still gonna go out in the human world whenever we want, right?" She asked curious as the purple amethyst eye colored, holding her phone.

"Of course Liana, besides he can't tell us what we can't do!" Hailey said gently.

Eva sighed sadly. "You know, I would definitely want to practice more on my different magics or meeting someone who loves me for me! What about you guys? Have either of you girls thought about it being in love?"

"Most definitely, I've been wanting that for my whole life." Hailey said honestly as Liana and Maxine agreed with it, imagining to date someone who likes the same things.

"Honestly, I would love to meet someone who doesn't think that I'm a geek or nerd just because I love anime stickers, crafts and other stuff..." Liana said gently as she twiddling her fingers and puts on a gentle smile.

Maxine rolled her eyes. "You're such a nerd sis."

Suddenly, glowing lights appears in Liana's spell book as she notices it and so did her sisters too, wondering what was going on around in their own bed room. Muffling coming from the book as the girls started to get terrified and Max was holding a baseball bat.

"What's going on?" Hailey asked.

"I don't know." Eva said in frightening.

The short blonde haired sea turtle teen walked up to her nightstand, she gulped nervously as she opened up her spell book and a magical little purple creature who had eyes that shaped like diamonds, he had a white beard and wearing a medium size robe.

"Greetings fellow sea turtle teens! My name is Diction."

Bursting into laughter as Maxine thinks that it was a funny name for a mysterious creature like him.

"Diction! What kind of ridiculous name is that?" Maxine asked in laughter as tears streaming down her freckled cheeks and those were tears of laughter. Hailey punched her sister in the arm to get her to stop laughing. "Ow!"

"Max be nice!" Hailey said glaring at her.

"I apologize for my annoying sister." Liana said as she started to introduce herself in a polite way. "But it's really nice to meet you Diction, my name is Liana."

"I'm Hailey!" She said in a happy tone.

"My name is Eva and that's our youngest little sister Maxine but she's also the baby!" She pointed out as the youngest let out a scoffed.

"I'm not a baby, I'm 13 years old!" Max shouted as the girls started giggling.

The girls looked at the magical creature and he realized that they've look exactly like their mother.

"Pleasure to meet you girls!" Diction said as he shook each of their hands after they've met him. "I've been looking forward to meeting you girls for so long, your mother told me all about you."

The girls had smiling faces and cute adorable sparkle eyes in cuteness as they leaned in forward to his face. Asking the magical creature so many tons of questions.

"You knew our mom?"

"How do you know her?"

Liana slightly pushes her sisters away from diction, telling them to give him so space and everything else. "Girls give him some space!"

"Sorry about that." She apologized.

"It's alright." Diction said in a happy tone as he started with the conversation. "Anyway, your mother was a really great friend of mine but she wanted me to give Liana a gift that she wants her to have."

He pulled out a magical wand with a star on it and that it would be very helpful for her to practice her different magics whenever she needed to.

"Whoa!!" They've cried out surprisingly.

He gives the wand to Liana, she loves it and puts a smile on her face.

"This belong to your mom after she died in the shark attack years ago, she wanted me to help you girls get what y'all always wanted." He replied.

"Wait! So our mom understands that we want to become normal teenagers some day?" Hailey asked as he nodded.

"Yep! Even though, she's in heaven now but she still looking down at you girls." Diction said in a happy tone and told them about their mother childhood when she was a teenager. "Honestly, she'd always wanted the same thing when she was a teenager but her father wouldn't allow it and told her to stay in the ocean."

"Amazing!" Maxine said.

"Tell us, more about our mother." Eva said as Hailey and Liana nodded in agreement, the girls stayed up a little bit late as their new friend diction told them about their mom.

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