Chapter 8: Such Beautiful Teen Mutant Girls We've Ever Met💙❤️💜🧡

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Sneaking out of the sewer as Leo's brothers have gone out while being grounded, they know that they're weren't supposed to leave for one month; they were out in the world anyway.

"Guys, dad told us not to leave the sewer for one month and we're not even ungrounded yet." Leo said as they made a stop at the rooftop and sat down eating pizza at midnight, Donnie was on his phone.

"Pfft! Relax Leo, he'll never know that we're gone for a while." Raph scoffed.

"Yeah, try to have fun for once in your life." Mikey said as the orange mask turtle got done eating his slice of pizza. Suddenly, the boys started to screams coming towards them as they've looked up to see flying bags crashes in front of the boys but just then they've heard voices.

"Ugh, max stop moving the bag." Hailey said in frustration as the girls couldn't see anything with the huge bag over their heads.

"Well, if I could see where were going then I could." Max mumbled. The boys didn't know what to do, until Leo came up closer and gently removed the bag from the girls.

The boys gasps and sees 4 sea turtle teen girls who were about their ages as they've also took a closer look of their birthstones and different colored on it too.

"Wow! They're turtles like us." Leo said gently.

"Technically, they're sea turtles." Donnie corrected him. Hailey and her sisters stood up from the ground as the girls looked directly at the turtle boy teens who smiled at them.

"I can't believe there's more turtles just us which means we're not alone anymore." Hailey said smiling.

"Alone? What do you mean by that?" Mikey asked curious.

"Well, me and my sisters always wanted to be normal teenagers like going to highschool, being popular and everything else that we've ever dreamed of doing." She said in a happy tone as the boys have never met anyone else that wanted to be normal in life.

"That's exactly what we want too." Raph said.

"No way! We've never met anyone else who wanted to be normal teenagers just like us before." Liana said excitedly with her beautiful amethyst purple violet eyes.

"This is the coolest thing ever." Maxine said.

"We're sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves! I'm Hailey and these are my sisters Eva, Liana and Maxine." The long black haired sea turtle said as she pointed out her younger sisters to the boys.

Leo cleared his throat. "Well, my name is Leo and it's really nice to meet you Hailey."

Raph thought the sea turtle teen girl with the beautiful black dreadlocks looked really cute.

"What's up babe? Names Raph and I've gotta say that your eyes are so pretty." He said as the red mask turtle tried to act all cool around Eva and she giggled.

"You're so cute Raph." Eva said in a happy tone as he blushes which made her giggle again.

Maxine walked up to Mikey and noticed his braces on his teeth, getting way too excited about him already. "Wow, nice braces dude! I definitely like your nunchucks."

"Thanks, I'm Mikey by the way!" He said as they've shook hands and smiled at each other. "It's really cool to meet someone who wants to be a normal teenager."

"I know, right? It's awesome!" She said in a happy tone.

"Hi, my name is Donnie." He introduced himself to Liana and she smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you Donnie, I definitely love your fanny pack." She said as the purple mask turtle have never talked to a girl before in his entire life.

"Thanks." He said gently. Donnie looked at her purple amethyst eyes that sparkled like stars in the sky. Her amazing blonde short hair that blew in the breeze of the wind.

"Wow! Are those anime stickers all over your bo staff?" Liana asked as she sees the stickers on it.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I like to collect anime stickers all the time and I even like anime comics." Donnie said as he mentioned that part and she met her match because Liana is also loving anime shows.

"I love animes!" Liana said excitedly. "I made this bracelet out of used soda caps and spray painted it with Pokemon designs."

"That's amazing! You are so creative Liana." He said in a happy tone as the purple amethyst eye colored heard her sister's voice as the moment got interrupted.

"Nerd Alert!" Maxine teased.

"Shut up Maxine!" Liana said as she blushes and laughs nervously.

"Whatever." She said as she crossed her arms.

Then, something got Donnie attention as he spoke to Liana again with a smile on his face that she blushes.

"Hey? Come here." He said gently.

"Where?" Liana asked.

"Don't move." Donnie said gently. Liana had a lovey dovey look on her face, slumping her shoulders down. Donnie hand came to her cheek as she was already falling in love with him.

Time stands still when you're chasing the hours, time slips and changes your mind

When you open your eyes, take a look inside the littlest things are beautiful.

Donnie removed a green leaf from Liana's blonde hair and showed it to her. "You had a green leaf in your hair."

"Thanks." She said in a happy tone.

"Girls come on, we better get going before dad founds out that we're gone." Hailey said to her sisters and the girls faced the boys again. "It was really nice meeting you guys and we'll see you again soon okay?"

"Um, yeah cool." Leo said nervously. Hailey and her sisters started to leave and Liana put her hand on her heart and sighed romantically as she couldn't stop thinking about Donnie.

"Donnie is so dreamy." Liana said in a happy tone.

"I think Mikey was looking at me." Max replied.

"Yeah, I know! Look girls remember what dad said? We can't keep going out in the human world." Hailey said.

However, the boys were starting to fall in love with those sea turtle girls that they've already met and thinking about how pretty and beautiful they've looked.

"Whoa!" They've said in unison.

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