Chapter 11: I Want To Know Everything About You

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After the boys met April and got her scooter back from the bad gangsters at the chop shop garage. They've started to tell her about their origin story as April couldn't keep up because they were talking at the same time.

"Stop, stop, stop!" April said as she looks at her notebook, while holding the pencil in her hand. "So let me get this were baby turtles who made contact with mystery ooze and therefore you age from turtle babies to mutant turtle men guys?"

"Turtle boys, actually." Mikey corrected, his brother have cut him off for a few seconds.

"Uh, I would say teens! Like teenagers." Leo said nervously as she looked at April who started to write things down.

"Teenagers! Amazing! So, tell me more obviously I want to know everything about you. Like....are there more of you?" April asked concerning to the turtle teens about everything and the boys haven't forgotten about those sea turtle teen girls that they've met the other night.

"Well, we did met 4 sea turtle teen girls who are the same ages like us." Donnie said honestly.

"Yeah, but there not the only ones who want to be normal." Mikey said with a smile on his face.

"They're not only in the world." April said quietly to herself as she wrote down more information. "So, no one else has ever asked you or talk to you about this? Have you guys got a chance to see those sea turtle girls again?"

"No, we haven't seen them." Mikey said.

"They probably got grounded by their dad or something." Raph said.

"Maybe they did." Donnie said as Leo squinted his eyes a little bit and looked at April.

"Why are you writing all this down?" Leo asked curiously.

"Oh, I'm a journalist." April said as she sat down and continued with the conversation with the boys. "I write for my school paper."

Leo scoffed. "Really? I assumed you want to be on camera, because you have a very ready camera look."

"Nope! Never on camera." April said nervously.

"Okay..." Leo said gently.

"Look, I been researching on Superfly and his evil crimes this curfew. The police have been talking about it and they ended up cancelling prom, which is way that I'm trying to bring Superfly to justice. Get prom uncanceled and that everyone can just chill out or whatever. But this is amazing. Turtle! Mutant! Karate! Teens! This is a pretty good story." April said excitedly as Raph stood up from the ground and thinking that it's not such a great idea.

"Look, I don't know if we should." Raph said in a worried tone.

"What? Why not? This is gold! This is so good!" April said excited.

Donnie stood up from the ground, Mikey and Leo did the same thing.

"We were taught if humans tried to destroy us, if they ever found out that we ever existed then they would end up killing us or put us in a lab and milk us." Donnie explained.

"I wouldn't milk you, because you don't even have nipples." April said as Mikey looked straight at her and step towards in the front.

"Look, human woman I've got a question, so just be straight with you think that there are more people like you, you know? People who will accept us?" Mikey asked as the boys waited for the answer, she was just gonna be honest with them.

"No, absolutely not! Genuinely no!" April answered. The boys started to become disappointed already.

"I knew it!" Raph said.

"Dad was right." Leo said. The boys were about to leave until April picked up the pizza box and spoke to them again.

"Wait! If I'm being honest..." April said as the boys begin to get a slice of pizza. "I mean, the reason why I'm not scared of you it's because you guys helped me out and if you haven't then I would have been scared and totally disgusted. Sorry, my mom is texting me."

Donnie phone vibrate and checking the message. "Dad is texting us, he's freaking out a bit."

"At least, all the parents are the same." April said as they've agreed with her on that.

"Yeah, 100 percent." Leo said.

"Sure." Mikey replied.

"Our dad is definitely not a giant rat." Donnie said nervously.

"That makes me feel like he's a rat." April said as she continued the conversation. "Look, I'll airdrop you my contact info and if you guys ever want to give me more info just let me know and I would love to write a story about it. Goodnight." She said as she went inside the building and Leo smiled.

"She seemed nice." Leo said.

"There he goes again! I thought you liked Hailey." Mikey said with a smirk.

"I do like Hailey!" Leo said.

"Yeah right." Raph said.

"Give me that contact info!" Leo said as he started to reach for Donnie phone but Mikey and Raph holding him back.

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