Chapther 7- Stop Wings

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It took a lot to get out of bed this morning.

My legs, and core were, and still are burning because of the workout Coach Lindsay made us do yesterday.

I made sure to do a lot of stretches though, because it helps with the soreness.

Right now, I'm walking to Ms. Nicole's class. Which I'm really not looking forward to. Especially because of that project.

Which reminds me, Jonah and I have to start it soon, because she said it's due in two weeks.

We have to make a slideshow about how society's media has evolved overtime. And she said she's not grading easy.

Which is kind of dumb, since she only started teaching us two weeks ago.

At least it's Tuesday, three more days until Friday. Staying positive.

Speaking of Friday, I haven't seen Matteo this week. Last time I saw him was at the party.

Not that I'm looking for him of course.

We actually spoke a lot over the weekend.

Im not sure how I feel about him, but I feel like we could be good friends.

I reach the classroom, and enter it.

First thing I see, is that Jonah isn't here, and only Chase and Nico are seated.

I walk up the stairs, confused.

"Hey guys." I smile, greeting them.

"Hey Jasmin." They both say.

"Where's Jonah?" I ask curiously.

Nico and Chase look to each other, trying not to laugh.

"Sick." Nico says.

My face drops, and I get confused. He was just fine Friday right? "What happened?" I ask.

"Food poisoning." Chase answers.

I give them an unimpressed look, pulling out my laptop.

"Does he not know how to cook?" I ask.

The door closes, and Ms. Nicole looks like she's about to start talking.

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