Chapther 16- Buzzed Bear

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(Pictures from Pinterest. Not mine.)


"Let's go to the kissing booth!" Emily exclaims, sliding her hand into mine and running to the stand.

"Wait Emily," I go to argue, but before I knew it we are already standing in the line longer than my roster, just to kiss some random people. I just wanted some cotton candy.

I adjust the claw clip, holding my hair up at the back of my head. School this week was hectic. There was a ton of homework, tests, and essays handed out, completely stressing me out. At some point, I would've preferred to write a book about the quadratic formula, than a fifteen-paged essay about Media.

Emily had the bright idea to come to the fair to distract us from school for a bit.

"You never know. The person you kiss might be your frog." She winks, walking forward when the line advances a bit.

"I'm not kissing anyone. I want to kiss some blue cotton candy though." I cross my arms, my tongue sticking out and licking my dry lips at the thought of some blue-raspberry cotton candy.

"That's on my hit list." She claps her hands, realizing we're getting closer to the front.

I spot Kaliyah at the concession stand, buying her a stick of cotton candy and frown. The exact flavor I wanted too.

"Jasmin you look like you about to burst out crying if you don't get your shit." She says, staring at me amusedly.

What can I say? I just really want some cotton candy right now. I can feel the kid in me igniting at being at a fair in the first time in like, four years. Last time I went was with my best friend in Chicago. Kyler.

He was the only person who I considered another one of my best friends. Beside Amelia and Emily.

The person in front of me moves away, leaving me and Emily in the front pulls me out of my thoughts. "I'm a fucked up, horny fuck." Emily shakes her head, before placing herself in the stool in front of a guy with hazel eyes, and ebony black hair. He looks nice.

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