Chapther 12- First Time

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(Pictures from Pinterest

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(Pictures from Pinterest. Not mine)



I quickly digger to the floor, when someone from the other team spikes the ball, and push the ball back up, Emily sets it, and Annabelle tips it.

Our first volleyball is going really good, and we're winning so far.

The other team does their play with the ball, and it comes back to our side, but Adrianna blocks it, and so does the other team. Emily sets the ball to me, and I jump up to spike it. The ball comes in contact with the center of my hand and I snap my wrist downward.

I come down from spiking the ball, and the referee blows the whistle, signifying the end of the game. Screams and shouts break out from the bleachers, and the whole team rushes up for a group hug.

"You ate Jasmin." Annabelle, a girl on my team says, high-fiving me.

"Thanks." I smile, walking to the bleachers and getting my water bottle after everyone settles down a little bit.

We won the game 25-12. Twenty-five being our score. Emily wasn't really lying when she said Cardiff was bad. The only reason why they got some points, was when someone messed up a set or a pass. "We going to buckie's?" Kaliyah asks, walking over with Amelia and Emily.

"Yeah." They both answer, sitting beside me and drinking out of their own bottles.

"What is buckie's?" I ask curiously.

"It's a diner we usually go to after games. Trust me, the food is good." Kaliyah says, rubbing her hands together and licking her lips. "It definitely is." Emily says, her and Amelia laughing. I'll trust them on this one.

Thirty minutes later, the people in the bleachers eventually disperse, making their way out of the gym, some staying behind. I drink some more water to help regulate my body temperature, the cool water cooling my muscles.

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