Chapther 17- Two Man Room

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I place my suitcase in the compartment outside the bus, before making my way in, taking a seat at the very back of the bus, across from Amelia, and behind Emily. Kaliyah across from her.

We're all drained. We had to wake up at four this morning, to get here at five. The sun hasn't even rose yet. If the sun isn't up, then I shouldn't be up either. But it's fine, because the buses have pillows on them, blankets, two bathrooms, and TVs.

I didn't know the volleyball and football team were this funded, I thought we would be going in a cramped little school bus, with no bathroom, and hardly any connection. Well this does make sense though, the drive to Georgia is too long to be driven in a school bus. Seven long hours.

I stretch myself across the seat, my legs stretching across the second one. My eyes close, finding comfort in the quietness of the bus.

Coach Lindsay's faint voice counting everyone on the bus is heard, tiredness lacing it. When it's finally quiet again, I doze off, my breath evening out. Darkness begins to take over before not-so-silent chatter fills the bus, and people begin to enter.

I almost whine out loud. I hate being a light-sleeper. With a passion. It has its perks though.

I see the heads of some people taking their own seats, or filling in the ones that already have someone there.

"Guys, no one can have their own section. The bus is meant to have two people per row. Because there is two seats. No more and no less." Coach Bonner says.

Thankfully, no one comes to my seat, so I stretch my legs further. Tyler takes his place next to Amelia, both of them cuddling on their seat.

I close my eyes, tuning out the unnecessary loud chatter echoing throughout the bus walls at five in the morning. "Fuck me." I hear someone say from above me.

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