Chapther 28- Ex Drama

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Solomon and Nora's constant whispering on either side of me pulls me out of focus on what Ms.Turner's teaching, and I start to get annoyed, not hearing anything but their loud whispering.

"Remember when Adrianna had leaked him?"

"Yes." He laughs. "That shit was crazy." Solomon manages to get out through his fit of laughter. "How the fuck did she even manage to do that?"

My eyes widen, hearing them talk so casually about something horrible that happened to someone.

"I don't know but the camera looked like really thin lace was covering it. So everyone guessed she placed it in her bra." My want to listen to the professor was suddenly abandoned, and I eavesdrop on their conversation.

This is another reason people don't like Adrianna so much? "Jasmin your poker face ain't slick." I hear Solomon's voice from beside me, and I turn to him, sending him a playful scowl.

Well since I was caught, I might as well find out more. "Why would she do that?" I ask, looking back to Nora. This is so messy.

"Apparently she tried to use the video to threaten him. something about if he didn't get with her she would leak him."

I scoff in disbelief, now realizing how bad she really is. "Why'd you say 'tried'?" I ask curiously.

"Because-," She pauses, letting out a fit of laughter recalling the memory. "He said and I quote, 'My dick isn't small so I don't give a fuck'." She manages to get out through laughter, and my jaw drops in shock.

"The camera wasn't clear but.. what I saw was def-" I cut her off, placing my hand over her mouth and shaking my head, not wanting her to complete that sentence.

"Ok Nora." I laugh, slowly retracting my hand when it look like she's calmed down. She snorts, composing herself and fixing her hair.

"But anyways to call his bluff Adrianna had posted it on her insta close friends and a bunch of people saw cause she had added a bunch of people in there."

"Damn." I say, still shocked at everything she's just exposed to me. Shouldn't she have been kicked out the school for that?

"He really didn't give a single fuck and Adrianna got mad so she deleted it like thirty minutes after she posted it."

A moment of silent passes by, before I realize I have no idea who they're talking about. "Wait, who are you talking about?"

She looks like she's thinking something over in her mind, zoning out. "Antonio. He's hot as fuck." She sighs out, still staring out into space.

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