Chapther 20- Disturbed

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The door to Ms. Hoover's class is wide open, so I'm guessing she got here early today. We had practice early this morning instead of in the afternoon, so I have nothing else to do except go to class.

I've already done everything on the list, sat in the cafeteria for about an hour with Emily, Amelia, and Kaliyah, walked a couple laps around the outdoor seating area, and even took a whole tour around the school.

It's seven o' clock. Class starts at 7:30. Now it isn't that bad, but I'm completely bored, and I forgot to charge my phone through the night. So I'm preserving my thirty percent of battery.

I probably should've went back to the apartment, but then, I remembered. I can't drive.

I sigh, walking through the door. My mood dampens even more when I see that I'm the first person in the class, all the seats completely empty. I send a quick 'good morning' to Ms. Hoover, before moving to the stairs, and sitting in the second-to-last row. Where Kaliyah and I sit.

My phone turns on tempting me to go one it, but when I see that it's somehow on twenty-one percent. Even with low power mode on, and my brightness to the lowest level.

Almost groaning out loud, I bury my head in my arms, doing the only thing I can do best. Sleep. I get comfortable, using my arms to block the bright lights in the classroom from disturbing me.

Before I knew it, I was already asleep. Not being disturbed by the dozens of people entering the classroom. Only thing I'm focused on is nothing but the blackness staring back at me.

Chatter fills the classroom, and I stir, turning my head to the side, thinking that it would help block the disturbing noise out of my ears, but it doesn't. It does allow light to shine against my eyelid.

I peel them open, holding back another groan I rub my eyes. I know thirty minutes did not go by that fast. The clock on the far left of the classroom read 7:12. Just twelve minutes?

Huffing, I turn to my right, seeing Kaliyah seated beside me, typing away on her phone. I frown. Must be nice. "You didn't have anything else to do either?" I ask,since she isn't usually here until five minutes after class start.

"Yeah." She sighs, as bored as I am.

Class starts quickly after Kaliyah and I talk about random things, mostly about volleyball though. "Alright guys." Ms. Hoover's loud voice echoes off the walls, startling me.

"I have a new rule." She pauses. "If you're late, by even a minute, don't come at all. I don't care if you forgot to tie your shoelace or nothing. Don't disturb my class." She says, attitude and venom lacing her voice.

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