Chapther 24- Embarassed

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Sometimes I wonder how people do some things in their life. Like cover up their insecurities, but yet they look like the most perfect people ever.

How people are depressed, but they always have the brightest smile on their face. Everyone has something they're battling with, but you'd never know. They want to pour their feelings out to someone, but they never know who to confide in.

It's either someone is a two-faced snake, or just not your friend.

I learnt that the hard way. Fake people are everywhere, posing to be your friends but in reality, they're just jealous of you and want to see you at your lowest. Chicago taught me that lesson, and it's stuck with me.

Right now, sitting in Accounting, earlier than ever, I start to regret every dumb decision I've made in that school, and in that house. Why did my mom ever choose him.

My chest aches with all the pain I went through, but there's no way I can explain it. I know how I feel, but whenever I'm close to wanting to tell someone, my brain freezes up and all my thoughts are twisted.

If I even try and open my mouth to speak it feels like I don't even know how to speak anymore. My chest twists uncomfortably and I immediately want a topic change.

But I can't get in my feelings now. That's for when I'm alone in my own space.

I cross my arms over my backpack on my lap, waiting for Kaliyah to come so she can take me out the depressing and boring state of my brain. It's so freaking hot in here, and this hoodie isn't helping.

I can't even take it off because it looks like I was a dessert for a vampire who hasn't eaten in three weeks. I know exactly who the vampire is.

Two full bottles of concealer were burned through this morning just to try and cover up all these hickeys littering one side of my neck. Just for it not to work.

My eyes feel dry and exhausted from all the tears that fell down my cheeks this morning because of the stress I went through. What pisses me off more is the fact that he was probably asleep, not bothering about one thing in the world while I was up at six on a Tuesday morning.

Covering up the annoying marks that he made.

Can I really be complaining though? I made the annoying choice of not telling him to stop. He literally told me to tell him, am I dumb? I bury my face in my hands, embarrassment flooding every bone in my body at full force.

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