Chapther 11- Movie and Rats

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I zip up my hoodie, and stand from my vanity desk, adjusting the matching black sweats around my hips.

Amelia found this cute small business on Instagram, that sold a bunch of sweatsuits, and a some other type of clothes. I have another package from them arriving tomorrow. I quickly spritz perfume on myself, then walk out of my room, shutting the door.

"You guys look cute." I smile, scanning the matching sets we all have on. Emily with a light grey one, and Amelia with a dark grey one. They smile back, handing me a smoothie they made. Out of pineapples, apples, ginger, and celery. It's weird, but it doesn't taste that bad. It's healthy and it cleanses your system.

"Jasmin, lemme do something." Emily says, making grabby hands at me and noticing for me to come over. I move over to her, adjusting the bun on her head.

She pulls on the zipper, tugging it down and exposing my chest. "Amelia doesn't it look better?" She asks, turning to her. She nods her head, sipping from the smoothie jar, agreeing.

"You have a nice body Jasmin, show it off. Only if you want to of course." She says, caressing my jaw. "You have boobs, unlike me." She sighs sadly, lowering her head.

I send her a look, propping myself up on the counter. She's only a cup size smaller than me. "Aren't you a c-" Amelia starts, but is cut off my Emily bringing a finger to her mouth. "Shh." I shrug at Emily's dramatics. Downing the rest of my smoothie, I drop the jar into the sink when I'm done, and wash my hands, picking up my phone.

"Let's get this show on the road!" Emily exclaims, jumping out of her seat and skipping to the door, tripping in her crocs, but composing herself quickly.

"It's too early for this." Amelia grumbles, childishly stomping to the door. It is pretty early though. Nine o'clock in the morning is not a time I'm excited to wake up at on a Sunday morning. Just to go to the mall. I lock the door after everyone exits, and we enter the elevator.

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