Chapther 25- Missed

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Standing in the locker room bathroom mirror, I carefully wipe the sweat off my face, trying to avoid swiping too hard on my neck. It's been a little over a week since they've been there, and they're noticeable, but not that noticeable.

My phone pinging switched my eyes from the mirror, to the lit up screen, surprised when I see a message from Kyler, asking me if I'm at practice right now.

Still confused, I open my phone and click on his contact, responding to him quickly before setting my phone back on the counter. Turning on one of the showers and pulling the curtain closed to take a shower.

I hate showering in the locker room, but Coach Walker decided to take us outside to run a few miles. And I say a few before it wasn't just one, but three. I don't know why she woke up this morning and decided to be weird.

Scrubbing my body under the warm water, I hear my phone ping once I'm done rinsing the soap off. I grab my towel off the hook, and dry my body. Running my hands down the towel wrapped around me so I don't get my phone wet.

Ky Ky 💓: coo 👍🏾

Me: Why?

His message takes a few minutes to come in, as if he was deciding what he should type. The bubble pops up, before it disappears, and pops up again. This time a message coming through on my end.

Ky Ky 💓: nun Jasminnn 🥹🖕🏾

Me: Hm okayyy

He reads the message, but doesn't answer. I grab my lotion from the small counter I placed it on, and spread it over my body. The thin white cream disappearing as I rub it over my skin.

When I'm done, I pull my bra on, and underwear, before pulling on my flared jeans and oversized sweatshirt that falls over my shoulder.

I push the curtain back open and step out. Walking down to my locker, I smile at some people coming out, or simply standing in front of their walker, before pausing in front of my own. My bag and shoes sit in my locker, and I pull them out.

Sliding my bag over my shoulder and my shoes onto my feet, then walking out of the locker rooms. My head angled to my phone as I text my mom. 

"It's dirtier than a bitch." A voice says from somewhere in front of me. Quickly typing on my phone as I walk towards the water fountains where Emily said she is, my eyebrows furrow. I haven't heard that voice in a long time.

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